I had completely forgotten how difficult it is to get a group of high schoolers to cooperate. Just going outside to play a game takes 20 minutes. We finally started a game of capture the flag, which ended up being a complete fail, but that's ok. Hide and go seek was definitely much better, but sardines was my favorite. I was selected to hide first, but Ryan, Roy, and Aubree snuck out and came with me. We are so sneaky. We found an awesome spot where we stayed for about 30 minutes, and no one found us. So we decided to move to a more obvious location since it was FREEZING outside and we wanted the game to be over. We walked out of our hiding spot and literally just laid down in the yard. A couple people found us, but the rest of them blindly walked past. We should totally be ninjas. I think I've found my calling in life. Interior Design...what was I thinking?? After laying there for what seemed like forever, we decided to go inside since we figured everyone else had given up. (Wimps.) I was named the best hider ever by the kids. (If you ever need a self esteem boost, just hang out with high schoolers...except for when they find out your age.)
After thawing out, we ventured downstairs to play some Mafia. I played this game in high school. I'm pretty sure you're only allowed to play it in high school because it completely dies in college. Our narrator gets up there to start the game and decides that Harry Potter should be the basis of our story. (Oh dear.) The game starts, someone is killed by the mafia, the doctors (I was a doctor...my other calling in life) saved one of the helpless townspeople, and we woke up from our slumber. Then began the nightmare that is Harry Potter. Now if you just wanted to use names from Harry Potter, I would have been ok with that. But no. These people knew all the potions and spells and had to make sure they said the correct one for that part of the story. Harry Potter makes me fear for that generation....
Then came that infamous game of Never Have I Ever... No. We were not drinking. Come on people. The age range was 13-16..or something like that. Instead, one person stood in the middle and said something they'd never done, and the rest of us ran around finding another chair. I was squashed a couple times, ran into people, and almost had a heart attack when I about killed a small 13 year old child. This. Game. Is. Brutal. During the course of the game, they all found out how old I am. They stared in shock, and then told me they didn't think I was older than 18. (This was nice, but then they said 22 was old. They have so much to learn. Bless their hearts.) It wasn't so bad until someone asked,
"Megan, where do you go to school?"
and I had to respond
"Well I WENT to UTC."
"You WENT to UTC???"
"Give me a break! I JUST graduated! I am not old!"
And then I burst into tears. Ok not really.
So besides the age thing and the Harry Potter obsessiveness, the night was a ton of fun. I loved being around high schoolers...especially the funny ones. Oh and my cousin Roy and I bonded over Justin Bieber. It was awesome. And we watched Ironman. Even more awesome. Then I slept on a TINY love seat in Laney's room and could barely move this morning. However, that was my fault. I was offered the bed in Lillie's room and refused. So stubborn.
One other little story. Before hanging with the cool kids Friday night, I got to babysit Evie and Connor. While Connor was down for his nap, Evie and I were playing games, and she started playing with my ring. This was our short conversation.
Evie: "This doesn't wook like mommy's wedding wing."
Me: "Well that's because it's not a wedding ring."
Evie: "Why not?"
Me: "Because I don't have one."
Evie: "Well where is yours?"
Nothing like a 4 year old making you feel like a loser. However, I did laugh about it for a long time. That is all. Sorry for a long post with no pictures. For you visual people like myself...congrats on making it this far.
Later y'all.
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