thursday's letters. | THE KLACKNERS


thursday's letters.

dear spring, i can tell you're really trying to arrive in all your glory. tell the snow to stop bullying you. dear wall-e, thanks for being such a reliable road trip buddy. your sunroof makes me happy even on the cloudy days. dear core group, i love our times together. dyeing easter eggs with you is always so colorful and entertaining. dear shadow, i don't really like it when you wake me up at 6:00 every morning by planting your paws on my head. but my frustration subsides when i turn on the light and see your cute face. how could anyone stay mad at that? dear job, as of tuesday, we've been working together for a year. thanks for being full-time so i don't have to work three different jobs anymore. dear weekend, it's gonna be me, you, and a nap.

what are your easter weekend plans?
Allison said...

My pets like to paw my face to wake me up too...I always think I'm going to be mad, but then I'm not. :) And I want spring so badly!

Amy said...

i am now following you on instagram = level...winning! :)
My cat wakes me up meowing...i find myself thinking violent thoughts but when i get out of bed and he brushes my legs...all i think about are rainbows :) ha

Elizabeth said...

i am doing easter with the families! bruce's for lunch and mine for dinner. i hope my mom give us easter baskets! i don't want to be a grown up!