so if you follow me on instagram, you know i like to take quite a few pictures. pictures of life, friends, flowers, sunsets, and my dog. okay, there are a lot of my dog. but hey, she's cute and always around! the thing about
instagram and camera phones these days is that pictures tend to stay on your phone. i don't know when it became such a hassle to get pictures printed. back when your only option was film, you HAD to get the roll developed in order to see your favorite shots. you took your film to the photo lab, waited a few days (or 24 hours if you paid an arm and a leg) and came back anxious to see if any pictures turned out or if grandma's fingers got in the way of the lens while she was taking all those pictures of you at the zoo. (that's the worst!) and for goodness sake, don't expose the film to the light while you're rolling it up! what a disaster. am i right??
turns out, printing pics these days isn't as much of a bother as i make it out to be. there are all kinds of apps out there for this, which is great news for me because i really do love having actual copies of my photos.
i don't remember where i found out about
printic but i downloaded the app right away and then spent the next couple months deciding if i really wanted to use it or not. i know, i'm indecisive and i get nervous/excited about new things. last week, i finally ordered some prints and I LOVE THEM. the quality is great and who doesn't love polaroids??
// what photo printing apps do you use? //
This is so cool! I had no idea you could do this. I will have to check it out. Great post :)
This awesome! I'm going to go check it out. Thanks for the review! :)
snap! I love this!!!
How much were they (if you don't mind me asking)?
And do you upload them from your phone??
EEEP i really really really like these!
How are you going to display them?
AKA 20 questions time...obviously lol.
What a cool app! Beyond printing a few off my printer, I have yet to really invest any time/money into getting my instagram photos professionally printed. But I'm loving those polaroids so I just might havet o check out Printic! I'm loving how glossy the photos look and how rich the colors are, too. If you don't mind me asking, do you notice any photo quality differences? I'm always worried that printing them larger will make them look stretched and blurry. :)
i made it into those prints!!! i see my foot, my twin hot pink shorts, and my wedding dress.
love you little. is this a phone app? i hope on andorid too!
This is fun...I didn't even know there were photo printing apps. I'll be honest I don't print pictures a lot- only when I start feeling guilty that the pictures we have in the frames in the house of the kids are SUPER old. Then I print ones just to go in the frames... Last year I started making a yearly photo album from my publisher that I hope to do every year to have a record of our pictures and year
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