// i like to go into target and put on superhero masks //
1// sometimes i talk like marcel the shell. my best friend pointed it out once. it's just a word or a phrase where i catch marcel's monotone, croaky snail voice.
2// i am a complete nerd. i love shows like doctor who, sherlock, and merlin. BBC for the win! and i heart all things narnia, harry potter, and lord of the rings. nerds unite! ;)
3// i like eating goldfish and m&ms together for a snack. some people are super grossed out by that, but it's the perfect sweet & salty mix!! so don't be hatin'.
4// i only wash my hair twice a week. this just got real, y'all. my hair doesn't get dirty/show dirt very quickly. plus, it takes too much time to fix, so less is better in this case. please still be my friend?
5// i turn into a 2 year old after 9pm. it just happens. the day is coming to a close and i turn into a hyper/exhausted toddler. it's about as crazy as i get in life.
6// i am 25 years old and still terrified of the dark. when i'm coming home late at night and have to turn off the basement lights before heading upstairs, i flip the switch off and bolt up the stairs as fast as possible. the burglar that has obviously been waiting in my house for HOURS could get me!
7// speaking of being terrified, i'm also still scared of someone hiding under my bed or in my closet. i blame this on my brother and my mom growing up. my mom LOVES scaring people. after she and my dad got married, my mom would hide in tiny corners of their apartment and scare the living daylights out of my dad when he came home from work (he's super jumpy.) he finally had to ask her to stop...so when they had kids, my mom passed the scaring jobs off to my brother and myself. i can't tell you how many times my brother hid under my bed and would reach out and grab my foot as i was about to hop under the covers. seriously traumatizing. i've been in therapy for years...
8// i laugh at the most inappropriate times. i think laughter is my coping mechanism. a friend told me once that it's how i mask my pain, which is pretty accurate. but i almost always laugh in awkward situations and sad ones...not because i'm not sympathetic...i'm actually very sympathetic, but sometimes my first reaction is to laugh because i don't know what else to do! gosh, i'm so awkward.
9// i wear my emotions on my face. i have been told that i have the greatest facial expressions of all time...and by greatest, i do not mean "cutest" or "most attractive." think jennifer lawrence but way less adorable...hey, at least it's entertaining! ;)
weeeeell, that's all you get for now! can't be telling you all my weirdness at once or you may never come back! muahahahaha. so what about you? what makes you weird?
4. I would LOVE to only wash my hair twice a week. Curly hair doesn't like that though.
6. 28 and still terrified of the dark. The Hubs thinks I'm crazy for turning on every lamp in the house... gotta make sure nobody's hiding anywhere!
7. NEVER let your limbs hang off the bed at night!
8. I thought I was the only inappropriate laugher! The worst is when I immediately laugh first when my kids fall down... bad mom.
9. I also have been told I have a less than friendly look sometimes too. I really don't mean to. I'm perfecting my "nothing" face for times when the apparent "go to ___ look" springs up!
These were awesome! I love people being real!
oh my goodness....i LOVE Merlin!!
Hahaha, I am totally with you on being scared of the dark and being SURE there is a killer hiding in the darkness. Oh my gosh, I would freak out if someone hid under my bed and grabbed me like you're little brother did growing up! Ahhh!
Girl, I loooove this post. Love it. I love it when people embrace their weirdness--especially bloggers. It gives me a chance to get to know them better! :)
And I, too, am crazy afraid of the dark. I refuse to go outside in the dark alone. Nope, not happening. Not ever. I also like to run upstairs if I'm the only one downstairs at night. I mean, you never know who comes out when the lights go out, right?
Yep, I'm ridiculous... :)
Bahaha. Loved this. We actually have a few things in common.
hey I only wash my hair ONCE a week! It just depends on how fast your hair gets dirty.
Ahhahah, I loveeed this post! I thing that if we knew each other we would be really good friends. We do have some things in common (; I totally understand #8 and #9 :) And also #6 and #7 by the way :) Weirdness rules!
ha, this is so great! I also only wash my hair 2-3 times a week. It doesn't get oily very fast and since it's so long & thick it takes forrrrreverrrrr to dry
I am actually kind of jealous about the only washing your hair twice a week thing. I get SO sweaty if I do any kind of physical activity... So I have to wash it every day... It's probably horrible for my hair.
eeeeep! another merlin fan! isn't is the greatest?? it's the perfect amount of cheesy. i'm pretty sure the merlin/arthur friendship is the most epic bromance of all time.
also, we were probs twins separated at birth ;)
it was the worst. but don't worry...i definitely got him back :)
haha thanks lady :) i feel so supported in my weirdness ;)
seriously, why is the dark so scary? sometimes i try to calmly walk up the stairs after i've turned out the lights, but i just can't handle it.
hooray! ;)
nice! it grosses some people out, but it really does depend on your hair. we're all different!
sweet! good to know we could be real life friends :)
same here! hair for dayzzzz. occasionally i have to wash it more, but on the reg it's twice a week. it does take forever to dry and ain't nobody got time for that! ;)
it is definitely the best bromance ever!! those two are the perfect amount of awkward!!
yes, i think we were!!
i am 100% sure that there is something living in my closet and under my bed too. no judgement :) i'm 28 and still deathly afraid of the dark. such a fun list... thanks for sharing!
I love it when people embrace their quirks! I might have to try your #3...it sounds yummy! Personally, I talk to myself all the time. And I mean ALL the time. Sometimes to the point where I think I'm only saying something in my head but it's actually coming out of my mouth...oops.
Hello! BBC for LIFE! Nerds unite! M&Ms and Goldfish are the equivalent to my ice cream and popcorn. I'm all over the sweet and salty! Washing your hair only twice a week... Jealous! And yes, I'm afraid of the dark too. I think everyone is.
Haha…LOVE this list! I talk in weird voices all the time. Once, my boyfriend and I talked in this weird accent for an entire car trip. And I totally relate to #6…I'm terrified of the dark. Also, Sherlock is pretty much the best show ever. We've been streaming season 3 as it's been airing in the UK for the past two weeks, and I'm already sad that it's almost over. Season 4 needs to get here asap already. :)
Same! I've gotten way better at going up the stairs as of late, but I still run every now and then just to make sure I can outrun whatever it is that could be behind me. :)
so glad i'm not alone in all of those things!!
glad i'm not the only one! maybe one day we'll be able to move past it ;)
it is delish! you seriously should give it a try. also, i talk to myself too!! like i have full conversations with myself. it's slightly ridiculous.
eeeep! fellow BBC lover. it is seriously the greatest. i have not tried ice cream and popcorn...now i'm going to give it a shot.
bahahaha. that is amazing! way to make a road trip fun!
so jealous you've been streaming sherlock! at this point i'm just waiting for sunday when the premiere airs in the US!
Ah…it's great…far too short, of course (we watched the finale on Sunday), but great nonetheless. It's here and gone wayyyy too fast.
i love how i tagged you for this - and i'm JUST NOW READING IT!
+ marcel the shell! YES me too!
+ BBC for the win!
+ you do not eat golfish and m&ms....megan I DO THE SAME THING. i seriously think we've been seperated at birth. what the heck.
+ oh my gosh being scared - i hate it, bleh, one of hte worst feelings ever. that is why i turn into a big pansy and can't do scary movies!
+ also i laugh at the most inappropriate times too! it's really, really unfortunante sometimes - and others it just releases some of the tension haha.
Stop it. People think that snack is so weird! I love it though. Seriously, it's freaky how similar we are haha!
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