sometimes, on random evenings, i pull out the trusty DSLR to snap a few photos of their cute, furry faces. our chocolate lab, ceilidh (kay-lee) is super photogenic, but shadow, our mix, is not. she hates having pictures taken. if i want to get a "cute shadow face" picture, i have to sneak attack her with the camera. otherwise, i get what you see below. lots of "i'm not looking at you" or "i'm super annoyed" faces. she's so silly.
ceilidh is our sweet girl we bought as a puppy 11 years ago. when she was born, we went to see her several times before we got to bring her home, which was pretty special and fun. she has been such a joy of a pet. she may be a little grayer and walk more slowly these days, but she still has that little puppy heart. also, her amber eyes are my favorite.
things ceilidh likes
popcorn on sundays (or any day)
having her ears rubbed
taking long naps
hiding from shadow
i adopted shadow a year and a half ago and am so glad i did. she is the sweetest and quirkiest dog i've ever met. she loooooooooves people. like wants to lick your face and sit in your lap all day long...and she's not exactly the size of a lap dog...but she doesn't know that. she is so weird...SO WEIRD and so cute...and makes me laugh on a daily basis.
things shadow likes:
snuggling AKA sitting in your lap
snuggling AKA sitting in your lap
chasing bumblebees and butterflies
running at crazy speeds around the backyard
yawning in the most dramatic fashion possible
being with people ALL THE TIME (she's an extrovert)
what about you? do you have cute pets you love to talk about?
Your lab looks like she's lived a long and full life! She looks so regal sitting there looking at the camera! But Shadow... She's pretty darn cute! We have an old boxer... most of the time quirky and sometimes annoying (still gets trash out of the can at 9 years old). We love her to death though. Our youngest boy LOVES all dogs, so we're excited to take him to the local shelter and pick out a new one soon!
they are both SO cute! ahhh i love dogs!! i wish i could adopt them all! we have a basset hound & a sheltie!
bahhhh they are both so adorable!!! :) :) i love their different personalities and the memories you carry with them!!
I love dogs, i wish i could have one, but being in Grad school and having a dog probably isn't the best idea--since i'm so busy and everything. But my parents have a dog at their house, she's a black lab her name is Mavis and like your chocolate lab she loves popcorn too! lol!
Ohhhh my goodnessss so cute. I love your pups and their cute personalities. I'm always talking about my two cats--Lucy and Moose. Although I grew up pretty much despising cats (I thought they were ALL mean), now I'm a cat lady. Funny how things like that work sometimes. :)
Adorable!!! I'm so obsessed with my dogs, so I totally get this. Tons of people have told me it will all change once our baby gets here this summer, but I have a feeling I'll just become ever more obsessed. Especially with taking cute baby/dog pictures! Gah. Dogs. They're the best!
So cute!!! I am OBSESSED with my dog, Ryland, He's a Jack Russel mix. We adopted him from the shelter almost 10 months ago. We are hoping to add a husky to our family sometime in the future. I think I might just have to do a post later on my dog too :)
I love this so much! I'm crazy about animals and dogs! Tyler and I are totally dog people! Once we get dogs, we will be those weird dog people! Tyler and I talk all the time about getting a dog, but we're in a no pets apartment. I do have a dog that lives with my mom back in Missouri. She's an old lady and she's amazing!
cute!!! I love animals. My husband and I share a dog with his sister. She has two names and will respond by both. She was going to be target practice 10 years ago and my husband rescued her. She is the sweetest and most obedient doggie ever!
You're pups are adorable!!! Dogs are such a blessing - loyal, kind, and loving.
soon i might have cute pets to talk about!!
puppy fawkes! ;)
i just love them so much :)
she has two names!! that is amazing. :)
can't wait for you and tyler to be able to get a pup! do you know what kind you want?
oh cute!! and ryland is such a great name! huskies are beautiful dogs!! i love their eyes :)
i love your dogs!! they are so cute in all the instagrams i see of them :) can't wait to see those baby/dog pictures!! you are getting so close to that time!
eeeeeep! you have a cat named moose? that is fantastic. so cute. we never had cats growing up because my dad was allergic. i've never been a huge cat person but i have met a few cats that i do love :)
labs are seriously the greatest. they have the best temperaments. :) haha...ours LOVES popcorn. like she barks at you if you are eating it and won't share!
haha thanks girl. they are both so great! :)
oh cute! i know! after adoption shadow, i wanted to adopt all the puppies that don't have homes!
she certainly has. she's so sweet and calm most of the time. people always said chocolate labs were super hyper...but ours haven't been. she definitely had more energy in her younger days but i wouldn't say she was ever crazy. now my dog definitely has her hyper moments, but she's still very much a puppy. :)
haha! that old rascal, your boxer! my brother and his wife got a boxer puppy last september and i finally got to meet him when i went to visit them in cali. he is SUPER cute :)
We both love German Shepherds! I've always told Tyler I want a husky shepherd mix! We saw one on our hike on Sunday and it was huge! I want one!
Haha! It's funny, when we first rescued Moose we thought she was a boy. She acts like a boy, too. Other than that, I have no clue why we named her that. And for some reason I giggled my head off when you said, "I've met a few cats that I do love". Haha. i'm giggling. ;)
Oh my goodness. They are so cute! I'm a total dog person. I love big dogs though. I've never been a fan of little, loud yappy dogs. :/ If you go and look back on my instagram, you will see photos of a pup named Henry, who was one of the best dogs I ever had! He was a golden retriever and lab (we think) mix. Sadly, one day, he wasn't here anymore. We don't know if he just ran off and got hit or if someone stole him. :( We also have a Golden Retriever, Bonnie, who we have had for awhile. She is beginning to get white around her face, but she is precious. Any moment you stop touching her though, she goes crazy! There is also a new little one, Daisy. Dogs have always been around my house. But, I can't wait for the day to get a dog that is truly my own. It's one of the first things I want when I move out on my own again! I really want to rescue one as well!
i'm not really a fan of little yappy dogs either! we've always had labs and now i have a mix..but she's still lab size. that is SO sad about your golden. :(
bonnie sounds like my shadow. it's like she has to be petted ALL the time. she's so needy ;)
LOVE hearing about all of your pets, jess! :)
I'm super behind on reading this post but I absolutely love it. I'm SO glad I'm not the only crazy dog blogger around here ;) Your pups are so cute! I love Ceilidh's name!
aw thank you! her name is gaelic. a ceilidh is a party or social gathering that usually involves music & dancing. :)
Oh I love that!! I was curious where the name came from :)
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