if you were meeting me at a coffee shop, you'd find me at a corner table sipping on an iced caramel mocha while people watching and trying not to make awkward eye contact with others. as soon as you walked in the door, i'd wave you over, give you a big hug, and jump right into asking how you're doing. how's work? how's your mama? how are you and your boyfriend/husband? (or maybe you're single, so we'll talk about that at some point.) how are you feeling about life and the season you are walking through?
then i'll give you a life update. i might be a little guarded at first before i spill my heart...mostly because i tend to cry when i talk about heart stuff and i don't really want to cry in this crowded coffee shop. could you hand me a napkin, please? thank you. did it just get extra quiet in here or what?
i'd tell you i'm really frustrated about my job right now, but i'll throw in something about all jobs presenting issues you don't exactly like at some point or another, and maybe this one will pass like the others have. if you know me at all, you'll probably ask me for an update on a couple of hurtful friendships in my life and i'll tell you, but i'll throw in some jokes about the situation because that's how i mask my pain. you'll knowingly look at me across the table and tell me it's okay to be sad, but that i have to keep loving like Jesus, and i'll thank you because we all need reminding sometimes.
my relationship status will inevitably come up because it always does. i'll fill you in on all the awkward/ridiculous/thoughtless comments people have made to me over the past few months about being single. i've got some great ones seeing as i've heard them all. ;)
we'll talk about blogging goals and dreams. i'd tell you that i wish i were at the point where i could quit my job and take this thing full-time already. i'll tell you about the classes i'm planning on taking to further improve my creative skills and how excited i am about learning new things.
summer vacations will definitely be a topic of conversation. i'll ask what you have planned and tell you how over-the-moon excited i am to go to colorado next month to see some of my favorite people and how the college besties and i are taking a beach vacation together at the end of the summer. it's nice to have something to look forward to.
finally, i'll decide to tell you that it feels like every one else's lives are changing in big ways, while mine seems to always stay the same. i'll clarify by saying that i'm genuinely happy for them because i am! i love to celebrate others, especially my friends, but i'd be lying if i said i never got sad about it sometimes. you'll nod because you understand. we all feel those emotions at one point (or several) during our lives. you'll remind me that everyone's journey is different and we all live life at a different pace. you're never ahead or behind. you're exactly where you're supposed to be. as hard as that is to hear sometimes, it's also oddly comforting. before i forget, i'll ask if you've seen rend collective's video for the art of celebration and i'll tell you how it has altered my life and renewed my life perspective. how even on the sad days, i am fighting to chose joy and keep on choosing it because when you have Jesus, every single bit of this journey is worth it.
we'll reluctantly wrap it up because it's like 9:00pm and past this grandma's bedtime. ;) i'll leave feeling refreshed and loved because you took the time to share your life with me and listen to me ramble about mine. you're such a good listener, so thanks for that. let's hang out again soon. maybe next time we'll go on an adventure.
i'm linking up with rachel || oh simple thoughts || and madison || wetherills say i do || today.
join us for a coffee date!
oh, meg! we're alike in many ways! job situation, friendships...our singleness is just a season, we'll be fine...you'll be fine. your summer plans sound exciting! and i'm really falling for rend collective's music. their campfire songs are sweet too! let's keep choosing joy! :)
Take me to Colorado with you!!!
this: "you're never ahead or behind. you're exactly where you're supposed to be." YES!
I love these posts! I hope that work things calm down soon, that can weigh heavily on a heart (and I can so relate!) I also completely know what you mean about wishing blogging was the FT job. I spend so many hours a week on my blog/networking, it IS a FT job, just without pay. Praying that if it's meant to be, it will come our ways :)
Also -- poo poo to anyone who is trying to make you feel bad / less because you're single. I went through that for years, and the comments can be very hurtful. Just know that your "right one" is slowly being molded through life experience and lessons, and soon the day will come and the time will be right, and you two will meet, saying 'whew, that was a long road to get to you' :)
Love this post! Thankful for this linkup because I love these types of posts...they really show who the real person behind the blog is. I love the "choose joy" motto....life sucks sometimes, just plain and simple. But I always have to remind myself to choose joy, even when I don't feel like it, because God always has a plan. Always.
Amen, I am so thankful for you openness so I could just see into your heart. I feel like I was really able to know you more, and for that I praise the Lord. That is what I have been praying for all week. So thank you! Praying for your friendship that are a struggle and your situation at work. That the Lord is present, and his good hand is evident! Thank you for taking the time to write this and to link up with us today!
I love all these coffee dates I have been on...and it's not even 7:00am! :)
Thanks for sharing Meg!
Sorry about all the notatallsensitive comments you have received about being single......I won't even say anything here, cause it will sound cliche. But, I think you are beautiful, strong, adventurous woman with a sweet heart, and nobody needs to be worrying at all about you!
Have a great weekend lady!
I so enjoyed reading this over my cinnamon toast crunch this morning! "It's 9:30 and past this grandma's bedtime"- we are kindred spirits sister!
I love this!! Thank you for sharing and for this reminder: "when you have Jesus, every single bit of this journey is worth it."! Amen sister!
Friend it is so encouraging to know that I'm not alone in feeling like I wish things were different. This post was written so well and so honestly. Thank you for sharing your heart! :)
Loved your post and found myself wishing it was a real coffee date! Thankful for a chance to "meet" other sweet ladies with hearts for the Lord!
I feel like I just had a coffee date with you. I can relate to so much of what you said. I use jokes too and so writing my post was kind of hard. It's always hard to just be vulnerable. Being single is also something I can relate to. I long to have someone but the fact is...we can do so many things that our married friends can't (just as they can do things we can't.) I'm moving across the country for the second time in two years. Most likely adventures (and I'm all about adventures, as is my blog) like that would not have happened if I was married. This is not me talking at you. It's me talking at me. I am praying for you and I think I found a new blog to love.
Coffee dates are the best (even if I don't drink coffee!). They're also some of my most favorite blog posts to read, too. I'm feeling like I need to write one, too now. :)
And can I just say that I am the SAME exact way when it comes to crying about heart stuff (or just stuff in general, haha) and using humor to guard yourself? I'm pretty sure I've teared up at every school/workplace I've been at, now that I think about it! And I also feel like humor is an easy way for me to guard myself from crying and such.
Oh, and singleness. Well, you know that I blog about that all the time and how grateful I am for bloggers who are so open and honest about it. Oh, and feeling stagnant? Sammmmmeee. Same, same, same (especially during engagement/wedding season). Again, can I just say how grateful I am for your Jesus-filled heart that continues to seek Him first? It's inspiring. :)
I loved this! I felt like i was right there with you.
I can totally relate about the singleness thing, girl! I've heard it all as well, or unintentional comments like "We need to find you a man". Yes I want that, but i know that God's got it all under control and at the end of the day he is only one knows what I need.
Remember girl- that he always meets us right where we are at, no matter our circumstances :) It's hard when all your friends are getting married and you feel like your the only one but trust me there are other single people out there, even when it doesn't seem like it.
I'm grateful for your openness and your awesome heart for Jesus, and i love your heart for adventure :)
Oh sweet Meg. I loved reading this post and getting to know you better. Praying for your work and friendship situation. Even if it feels like your life is staying the same while everyone else's changes, the Lord is doing something incredible in your life and it's something He only has planned for you! I hope you can rest in that.
Ah I would love to talk over coffee with you…although that's weird since we don't know each other one bit…but I love making new friends so it would only be awkward for like the first 30 seconds ;-) I can relate to so much of what you said, especially the relationship status. I guess every single girl can but I just wanted to say that trusting in the Lord is the best we can do. His timing is perfect. And if the right person hasn't come along yet then it just wasn't the right time yet. I am impatient and a lot of times I get frustrated about "the wait" but I believe with all my heart that my significant other is out there and once the time is right the Lord will lead us together. I'll be praying for you and that you may find a way to deal with your friendship and work struggles. I hope you had a great weekend! Happy Sunday :)
Gosh, your post really blessed me. It touched me and I felt like I was sitting right there with you. You're realness is legit and I loved reading about you. Thankful for your openness. I think something super cool is just around the corner. I'm excited to start following you! xo C from Quirky Anthems
"finally, i'll decide to tell you that it feels like every one else's lives are changing in big ways, while mine seems to always stay the same." - A friend of mine said that exact thing to me last week! I told her that from where I sat, I thought SHE was the one who had it all together and knew just what she was doing.
I'm pretty sure none of us really, really know what we're doing. Especially when what we thought we were doing doesn't turn out like we expected! We're in it together and I'm grateful to both of you for reminding me of that! :)
I totally cried reading this.
their campfire songs are wonderful!! thanks so much for stopping by and for the encouragement! :)
i'll pack light and you can hide in my suitcase! ;)
i have to remind myself of that on a weekly and sometimes daily basis! :)
ha exactly! this blogging thing is totally full-time with very little pay, but i LOVE it..that's why i keep working at it. :) thanks for the prayers, lady!
yes ma'am He does! thanks so much for stopping by :)
thanks rachel! you are so great. i loved reading everyone's coffee date posts last week! :)
aw thank you, amy. you are so sweet. i totally didn't mean for this post to be about my single status...but people have said the most ridiculous/hilarious things to me, so i tend to share those stories with my friends :) but seriously, thank you for your kind words. :)
hahaha yes. seriously, i am such a grandma!!
thanks, beka! so glad you were encouraged.
thanks lady. :) ONE day we will make it happen!! that will be the best!
you are definitely not alone, katelyn! i think we all go through phases and seasons like that, but not everyone talks about it or admits it. :) thanks so much for stopping by!
aw thanks, kendra! wish we could all meet up for a real coffee date! :)
nina, thanks so much! i remind myself of those things all the time. i do have so much freedom right now to do practically whatever! enjoy it, and enjoy your adventures!! i just hopped over to your blog...it is so cute. thanks so much for reading!
girl, i cry a lot and i laugh a lot. and i cry when i laugh too hard. it's just this never ending cycle of laughing and crying. ;) engagement/wedding season is the best and the worst. haha. thanks so much for your kind words, friend. wish so much we could hang out in real life!
twins! seriously, real life coffee date some time. we'll make it happen. :)
you are exactly right. i try to find the humor in all the comments and usually end up laughing at them by the end of the day. people mean well, they really do. ;) thanks for the encouragement, lady!
thanks so much, madison! i definitely need prayer for work and current friendship situations. life is so hard sometimes, but i find rest and comfort in the arms and promises of Jesus. :)
thanks for the prayers, kristina!
christin, you are so sweet! thank you :) p.s. your blog is so cute. i'm making myself a reminder to go back and read more when i get a chance!!
isn't it funny how we all see each other's lives so differently? like i wonder what my life looks like through every one else's eyes.. :) we are all totally in this together, and i am so thankful for that!
i love you bunches.
fyi. ;)
I know. and in the words of my three year old niece " I love you more and more each day"
Oak + Oats
Would you take a moment to click over to my fundraising page and prayerfully consider supporting me? XOXO
i just teared up. kids say the best things in the world.
Beautifully written friend. I would SO be on that coffee date.
This sounded wonderfully familiar and I loved it! When I read your first two paragraphs I was all like, "omgosh! we are the same person!"
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