believe better things. | THE KLACKNERS


believe better things.

life is beautiful. it is full of places to go and things to see, but most importantly, it's full of people. people that we are called to love. to pursue. to speak life and truth into. to invest. to build up and encourage. we were made for community and relationship. we were made for each other.

i'm incredibly grateful that jesus has brought people into my life who speak truth, who don't back away from the hard conversations, who don't allow me to believe the lies the world and satan want me to believe, who spread joy every where they go, who point out the beauty, who remind me that i am enough, and who, on a daily basis, invite me to believe better things.

i hope you have friends like this too, and i hope you are that friend to someone else.

happy friday, brave hearts. enjoy the long weekend!
Kristina said...

I love that quote (is it really a quote since it's so long?! :D )! It is a great reminder that I love to look at from time to time. I feel so very blessed that I have people, family and friends, in my life who are my "invitation to believe better things" and I strive to be that person for them too. Have a happy weekend!

meg pitts said...

Love that quote! And love friends to do life with!

Gina Alyse said...

Wow, what an awesome quote! I've never heard it before, but it does make you contemplate how beautiful and amazing people are and life is! Thanks for sharing this snippet with us today :)

xo, gina

Lauren Cornwell said...

How awesome is it that God created us to live in a community, a community to fill us up, to pick us up and to lift us up!!

Beka Johnson said...

such a good reminder! Glad you have people like that in your life. My sister has been that person for me lately. She is full of mercy, truth and kindness.

Nina B said...

I have pinned this before. i am obsessed.

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

This is so awesome! We spent a lot of time discussing community at our Bible study this past week. I shared that I believed that we're all given weakness so that others can be the strength we need. If we were all awesome at everything and never needed any help, there wouldn't be any opportunity for us to carry each others burdens.

Christina Main said...

Amen amen amen!

Jess Elyse said...

Love this! And that is one of my favorite pins on Pinterest! :)

Olivia Driver said...

I have always loved that quote soooo much!

Amy Hodgdon said...

invited to believe better things.
Thanks for sharing this heart needed to hear it!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

i love this quote! it is amazing.

and i am also thankful (SO THANKFUL) for a friend like you!

Madison said...

I absolutely love this quote. I don't know if you're familiar with Jamie, but he's an amazing speaker. His organization TWLOHA has been a huge part in my life!

Jenna Guizar said...

Love this so so much.

Megan McIlvaine said...

haha it is a long quote! but i love every bit of it :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

yes, amen!

Megan McIlvaine said...

you're welcome! it's such a great reminder!

Megan McIlvaine said...

oh, so good! mercy, truth, and kindness...all beautiful things to practice.

Megan McIlvaine said...

it's so good, right?

Megan McIlvaine said...

yes yes yes!! when i worked at camp, we talked a lot about how we all have our own weaknesses, but where we are weak, others are stronger. walking together through life, we each help to fill in the gaps. it's the same with Jesus! if we didn't need any help, we wouldn't need him! personally, i'm so glad we do need him. :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

amen! ;)

Megan McIlvaine said...

yes!! i saw it a few weeks ago and just fell in love!

Megan McIlvaine said...

it is one of my favorites now!

Megan McIlvaine said...

you are welcome!! happy wednesday!

Megan McIlvaine said...

bah! i love you!

Megan McIlvaine said...

i am familiar-ish with TWLOHA, but i did not know about Jamie...just what TWLOHA was. i have absolutely fallen in love with this quote, though! very very good. i'd love to hear him speak!

Megan McIlvaine said...

it's a good one :)

Madison said...

He's the founder of TWLOHA and if you ever get the chance, you absolutely have to hear him speak! It's life changing!

Amy said...

this is by far one of my absolute favorite jamie quotes ever. i fell in love with TWLOHA years ago (i have like 7 shirts) and relate to their ministry in so many ways. Jamie is incredible - i had the privledge of seeing him speak a few years back and talking with him for a few moments (then i had a dream we ended up married, it was lovely haha)
all of this to say, that yes, i agree with you.
having friends that invest, don't back down, encourage, and live life with you is just....incredible and it is something to be so thankful for!

Megan McIlvaine said...

madison was saying what a great speaker he i want to hear him speak!
hahah your dream...that's great.
so so thankful for friends like that and for you! :)