weekend update. | THE KLACKNERS


weekend update.

-- memorial day was spent at ikea with the newlyweds. i somehow made it through without spending any money, which was probably a good thing because we didn't have any extra room in the car with everyone else's purchases! :)

-- mer, one of my dearest friends in the whole wide world, got engaged thursday night! i am so so so excited! she was one of my campers when i worked at eagle lake and we became the best of friends. i can't wait to see her next week! mer, her fiancé (ahhhh!), and i are all taking a colorado trip at the same time to stay with beth and bruce. :)

-- we celebrated one of my core group girl's birthdays on friday night by going bowling. y'all i cannot even remember the last time i went bowling. let's just say it was...ummm...entertaining. so much fun hanging out with that group!

-- i babysat one of my favorite 6 year olds on saturday. we went to the pool, rode bikes, played some basketball, ate dinner, and watched despicable me 2. i like saturdays like that.

-- my mama and i went to see million dollar arm yesterday since our plans of seeing it last week were thwarted by a flat tire. it was so good!! y'all should all go see it.

-- 10 life lessons from a navy seal
-- you can follow the british monarchy on instagram! one step close to being kate middleton's bff ;)
-- this TED talk by brene brown was excellent. i highly encourage listening to it.
-- these animal photobombs had me in tears i was laughing so hard.
-- hidden easter eggs from your favorite pixar movies! i love this!
-- i want this shirt.
-- some pretty watercolor downloads! i currently have one as my iPhone background.
-- this print makes my heart all kinds of happy and i want it for my walls!

may sponsors.
thredup goodies.
who are you?
on the bucket list.

-- i am extremely sentimental.
-- finding shorts or pants to fit my body type is like finding a needle in a haystack. AKA why all of my pants are from GAP. they are the only ones that fit well!
-- currently, i am obsessed with the 2048 app. has anyone else played this game??

Robyn Black said...

i've seen people playing the "numbers game" but never knew what it was called! now i'm probably gonna get addicted to it lol

Beka Johnson said...

What a fun week you had! I can proudly say I have never been to Ikea. I have heard great things about it but am most likely moving to Asia sometime so I'm not buying anything right now =) I love all your random facts! They are fun.

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

i am sad those Gap shorts were too short. I wear them EVERYDAY that i am allowed to!!!

Megan McIlvaine said...

waaaaahhhh. i know :( i was super sad. the mint shorts i got were too short as well and they don't have my size in the Tall. i'm going to keep checking back though :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

haha thanks, girl!
asia! that's fun!
you should do a walk through of ikea at least once in your life :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

it is so addicting and i'm not even very good at it. haha!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

keep your eyes on them.

Oak + Oats
Would you take a moment to click over to my fundraising page and prayerfully consider supporting me? XOXO

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

We were in the same state last week! That's a big deal! And I picked up a pair of Gap shorts, hoping to turn them into my favorite!

Megan McIlvaine said...

i know!! i hope you had so much fun!
oooh! which pair of shorts??

Meg McIlvaine | Rivers and Roads
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Z K said...

That Brene Brown TED talk was on point! I love it so much - I've also been meaning to read her book, which is apparently pretty good! Also glad that everyone survived the IKEA trip...those things can get ugly real quick!!!

Ashley Parrish said...

Just found your blog, and after cruising around, I am loving it! Oh, and props on not buying anything at IKEA. That is pretty impressive. Glad you had such a great weekend!!

Jess Elyse said...

Ugh. I'm addicted to 2048! Have you gotten close? I've gotten the 1024 a handful of times. :/

Merlinda Little said...

Oooohhh Ill check that 2048 app now! #weekendlinkup

Megan McIlvaine said...

right? loved it. i need to check out her book too!
haha ikea trips definitely take a lot of patience. we all did pretty well but were tired with headaches by the end. :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

thanks girl! so glad you stopped by!

Megan McIlvaine said...

no! i'm so bad at it...i don't think i've gotten past the 500something tile yet. :(

Megan McIlvaine said...

it's so addicting!

Christina Main said...

OH MY WORD YES. Those animal photobombs were THE BEST

meg pitts said...

Oh, the love of GAP. Or Gap outlet. Ha! Gotta save the monies!

Megan McIlvaine said...

haah! they make me giggle so much.

Megan McIlvaine said...

right?? love the GAP.

Amy said...

i am impressed (and in shock) that you didn't buy anything from ikea! to get to the closest one is a 3 hour trip for us so we PLAN AHEAD hahaha.
those 10 life lessons from a navy seal = gold. i read those a week or so ago...and was so incredibly floored!