I love this friend more than I can say and treasure the times we get to see each other. It's hard living across the country from your best friend, but Beth and I have found over the years what ways are best for us to communicate and stay in touch and be a part of each others lives. Here are some things I've learned along the way...
Be intentional and setup good communication habits.
Some people are phone talkers, some love to text, and some love to skype. Everyone has their favorite form of communication. I recommend all of them from time to time. Beth and I talk on Gmail chat just about every day. It's how we stay in touch and know what is going on during the every day. We also do Google hangouts once a month with our friend Sam to talk blog life and encourage one another. My best friend, Nat, lives in Knoxville and we are texters and phone talkers. We can talk on the phone for five minutes or an hour just to catch up on the week and the highlights of our lives. My mom and her best friend have an agreement where they call each other once a month for a nice, long talk. Life is busy and sometimes it is hard to make time for the people who aren't living in the same city as you, but I think it's important to make your friends a priority no matter where they live!
Write letters and send gifts.
I don't know about you, but I LOVE snail mail. It makes my day to find a handwritten note in the mail from a friend. It means the world knowing that they took time to sit down and write some kind and encouraging words for me. Send gifts. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant! A friend sent me a bumper sticker for my car last week so that I could be in the same bumper sticker group as a few of our other friends. It's little gestures like that, no matter the size, that warm my heart and make me feel included and remembered.
Go visit and plan trips.
Nothing beats spending time together in person. If they are within driving range, go visit your bestie for the weekend. Or take some of your precious vacation time, shell out the money for a flight, and go on a mini vacation! I promise it is worth it every single time. Every couple of months, I go visit my best friend in Knoxville or she comes to Chattanooga for the weekend. I try to fly out to Colorado a couple of times a year to see Beth and all of my friends there. My college best friends get together throughout the year, and this year will be our 2nd time taking a trip together. We all saved our moneys and set a date and are heading to the beach for a long weekend. The time you spend together is time you will never forget, and it's time that strengthens and deepens your friendships.
Pray for each other.
I have a great group of friends who I know pray for me on a regular basis. I can't tell you how greatly that encourages me! Ask your friends what you can be praying for and follow up with them about it later to see how they are doing. Someone reminded me once that it is important to actually pray for someone if you tell them you will. That seems like a "DUH!" thing to say, but I know we tend to say "I'll be praying!" or "Praying right now!" and then think about it but forget to actually sit down and pray for a minute. When someone asks me to pray for them or someone else, I try to practice praying for that thing immediately because I don't want to wait and forget about it later. Pray for your friends, their family, their husbands/wives, and their relationships with Jesus. Thanks to a friend's suggestion, I've started setting aside a day a week to pray in particular for my friends. It is a great way to practice being intentional!
Friendship, like any relationship, is hard sometimes and requires a lot of work on both sides. It's not a one way street. These people are ones Jesus has brought into your life for a reason. They are a beautiful gift of great value and should be treated with care. Don't forget to tell your friends today that you love them. :)
Thanks for sharing this Meg! Long distance friendships can be really difficult and I need to try to be more intentional with those friends! :)
p.s. love the photo shoot!
You guys are too cute! Love the photos! One of my closest friends is someone I met through blogging and have never had the pleasure of meeting in real life. Hopefully some day!!
I love this post for many reasons. These really are all great words of wisdom!
....But I have to say that when it got to our leg picture I could help but think that our shorts obviously don't meet the fingertip rule. and then I was laughing out loud at our rebellious selves ;)
Hahahaha. Hey, I just have really long arms, okay? ;) #camplife
That is so fun! You guys should definitely meet up! :)
Marissa! You're welcome :) Hope you are doing well, friend!
Love this!!! Great wisdom and ideas for practical ways to keep in touch!!
Thanks ma'am!
You too look adorable! Your tips on doing long distance friendship well are awesome. Since I moved 8 hours away from home for college most of my friendships are long distance now and we really try to do our best to stay connected with each other. Also I love your new header...looks great!
After just talking to you and then reading this I can totally hear your voice!!! I really love this post! You two are so cute and I love all the points your covered! Since I live away from everyone I have to remember to do these things! And I love our google hangouts!
I love this, it is so true!!! :) Thanks for sharing your sweet ideas!
This makes my heart SO full! I totally relate to long distance friendships. They're so hard but so rewarding! I love that blogging is one big long distance friendship, really :)
Aww I love this post, and it makes me miss my bestie so much! She doesn't really live far but she works so much and I'm always so busy with the little one. We really should make time more time. I think I will actually call her now and set something up!
Lovely post! I live in Canada and my best friend lives in South Africa and it's definitely hard to keep our friendship - but we've been sending gifts and always planning on seeing each other (although it's a bit unrealistic sometimes). We're constantly talking on Whatsapp and Facebook and having Skype date!
This post couldn't have come at a more perfect time. My best friend since fourth grade is moving soon. We've always lived close by each other, of not in the same city. Thank you so much for sharing this! Honestly, I had to skim read it because otherwise I was going to cry a bit. I was already starting to tear up. So sweet!
Oh you are welcome, Erin! I'm so glad you liked it. Girl, I totally understand...I cry about my long distance friends all the time. Hope you and your bestie find fun ways to stay in touch!!
That is quite the distance!! So great that y'all work so hard to stay in touch :)
That is always so hard! Different seasons in life and different time schedules. Give her a call and grab some coffee this week! :)
Blogging IS one big long distance friendship and I love it! :)
You're welcome! Thanks for reading :)
Haha! Love it. :) And I love our google hangouts!! They are so fun!
Thanks girl :)
That is hard! After college, all of my best friends moved away and I stayed. That was definitely a hard season for me as I went from having lots of friends in my city to very few.
Thank you! Yeah!...It's a great thing to think through and keep things fresh!
This is adorable. I am always having to re-evaluate how to keep up relationships with my friends who live far away!
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