

-- Mug swap 2014. I received my mug swap last week, and my sweet new friend was SO thoughtful in her giving. Can't wait to show you all the goodies in the link-up next week!! I also got my mug swap package mailed out to its own secret destination.

-- Google chat. I've mentioned that Sam, Beth, and I do Google Hangouts once a month, but what's even better is we chat just about every day. It's fun getting to talk about random things happening throughout the day, brainstorming projects together, and just getting to know each other a little better. Every single day I am thankful for those friendships.

-- Disney art. My brother and sister-in-law sent over the Frozen art book last week, and I squealed with joy.  My art book collection is coming along very nicely. I have so much reading to do. :)  I've decided that if I could go back to school for anything, I'd want to go back and become a concept artist. It is just the coolest thing!!

-- Identity crisis. Okay, that's a little dramatic, but here's the story. I have always thought I was an extrovert...all the tests tell me I am. I love people, I'm outgoing most of the time, I love doing social things...but I was thinking about it a lot this week and came to the conclusion that I am, in fact, an introvert. Both of my parents and some other friends confirmed it for me. I had an identity crisis for about five minutes and then got over it. I've come to the conclusion that I'm an extroverted introvert (nobody put me in a box.) I love spending time with people, but I'm also just as happy staying home alone for an entire weekend and watching movies by myself. There ya go. What are you?

-- 6 things every strong community needs
-- I've seen a lot of ice bucket challenges this past week, but this one was my favorite.
-- Waving bears are the best bears.
-- Need some cute new mugs to add to your collection? Who doesn't?? This mug roundup has got you covered.

Let's Go To The Movies
Q&A | Meet Rachel
August Crushes
holders not folders | MOVEMENT

-- Root beer is my favorite carbonated drink.
-- If given the chance, I would live in Narnia for the rest of my days, but I mean, who wouldn't?? I still check all of the wardrobes I come across for a secret way into that magical land.


Robyn Black said...

i am 100% introvert, but my husband is an extroverted introvert so i completely understand what you're saying! and root beer is the only soda i will drink!

Sarah Potts said...

I did the mug swap too & got mine mailed out last week! Can't wait to see when she gets it & I'm still waiting for mine in the mail. It'll be a fun day :) Also, I love that picture of the sunflower. I saw a huge patch of them on the side of the highway the other day & was so tempted to stop and take a picture. They are such pretty flowers!

Emily Abernathy said...

Oh, Narnia! I wish I could live there too. :) I'm definitely an introvert who does enjoy social things. It has taken me awhile to accept that because I feel like society in general frowns upon a lot of the habits of introverts, but now I fully embrace it because it is who I am!

Kristina said...

I always thought of myself as an introvert. I however do like to hang out with family and friends and just don't enjoy large group gatherings. And I can be really extroverted in the right company if I want to. I just need lots of alone time in between these sessions. So maybe I am an extroverted introvert too :D

Madison said...

I can totally see that it's possible to be an extroverted introvert. I also don't really feel like being an introvert means you can't enjoy alone time, too! I definitely am a social butterfly, but I'm totally content on my own too!

allisonramsing said...

way to embrace your extroverted introvertness!

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

Google hangout today! Whoooo! I totally want to to become a vis dev artist! You should do it!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

Narnia for life!

Amy said...

i'm an extroverted introvert to...not even kidding! :)
and FROZEN...ahhhhhhhhhh yay look at your awesome collection growing!
NARNIAAAA for the win!

Hannah Olson said...

I'm totally an extroverted introvert, just like you!! I love interacting with people…for a while, and then I just crave some alone time. :) Also, I've never heard of a mug swap before - but with my love of coffee shops, that sounds amazing!

Felecia Efriann said...

I'm a introvert who enjoys spending time with people but also enjoys spending time by myself just chilling. Is Google hangout like Skype? I have never used it but I have been hearing a lot about it lately.

Megan McIlvaine said...

Same here. :)
Google Hangouts is like Skype! I like it a whole lot better than Skype though. You should check it out!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Yay! I'm not the only one!
This mug swap is so fun! it's only once a year...put it on your calendar for August 1st next year!! :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

i was so excited about the Frozen book!! ahhhh! my little disney heart skipped a beat.
i want narnia to be my life.

Megan McIlvaine said...

Amen. I can't wait to meet Aslan, and by Aslan, I mean Jesus. It's going to be the best day ever. :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Best ever. I'm glad we're not waiting a whole month next time!!
Eeeeep! Let's both go back to school...together. ;)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Thank ya! I'm trying!

Megan McIlvaine said...


Megan McIlvaine said...

Exactly. I LOVE spending time with people but I also like my alone time. to re-charge!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Narnia is so precious to me! I grew up reading those books over and over!
Ah! I know. I got nervous about being an introvert because it somehow felt wrong, but I have tons of introverted friends and love them dearly and there is nothing wrong with them! haha!

Meg McIlvaine said...

AHH! Yay!! Another mug swapper. :)
I love sunflowers. They are so happy!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Haha!! Extroverted introverts for the win!