

November, Goals

Hello, brave hearts! Can you believe how quickly October flew by? It is one of my favorite months and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The leaves have slowly changed and are about at their peak point. This weekend will probably present a burst of autumn colors before the trees shed their leaves for a season. There are a lot of things I'm looking forward to in November, and I know the next couple of months are going to be a little crazy with the holidays and Disney vacations, so I'm going easy on the goals so that I don't overwhelm myself! :)


1 | Bedroom makeoverAll of the major projects have been completed, so I'm marking this one off the list. :) I'm still finishing up some small things for the room before I can give you a tour! Hooray!

2 | Take a photography class - I was a little overzealous in my excitement to take a photography class, and was not able to get to it last month. I'm putting this one on hold and will re-visit it in the new year!

3 | Start reading The Circle Maker - I did. I read two chapters and have enjoyed it so far! Have any of you read it?

4 | Complete 5 Blog Life chapters - Check! I made my way through 5 more chapters and am so excited to continue working on this class!


1 | Finish reading Harry Potter - So I am on the final Harry Potter book (it's my first time reading the series) and I want to finish it before I head to Disney/Universal in December with my besties! I started reading it and was crying in the first few chapters, so I decided to give it a break which turned into a long break. I just hate saying goodbye to fictional characters, okay?? I wasn't ready! But now it's back on my goal list to have completed by the end of the month! :)

2 | Read more of The Circle Maker - I'm making it my goal to read 2 more chapters this month. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

3 | Complete 5 more chapters in the Blog Life course - I really do love this course and want to finish it so I can review it for you all! But I also don't want to rush through it because there is a ton of good information to take in!

ellie said...

Great goals! I still need to read the last Harry Potter book as well!! I read all the books as soon as they came out when I was younger, but I was scared to end with the last one cause I know I will probably cry so much....... These books have been such an important part of my life!

My goals for November are to write more blog post and to finish some stuff I need to do for school.

Indiellie | Bloglovin'

Megan Sybrant said...

I am reading the circle maker! I'm about halfway through. I usually try to read a chapter a night. But alas, I've been reading this book for 3 weeks now. But seriously, it's rocking my world!!

Amy said...

i. am. so. pumped for this room reveal! and dang girl look at you crossing things off left and right! get'er'done! don't worry about that photography class - you'll make it happen!
i need to finish dang book 6 in harry potter! hopefully this colder weather motivates me!

Amy Hodgdon said...

Yay for a new month! :)
I will be excited to hear what your thoughts are on Blog Life once you finish it- but yeah, don't rush!
I am planning on doing some extra research/practice, etc about photography and styles. I want to keep pushing myself to learn and be inspired and to not get stagnant. Adam and I are going to try and do a Christmas Card photoshoot ourselves sometime this weekend perhaps!

Alicia Welshimer said...

Harry Potter! Oh my goodness I love that you're getting to experience it for the first time! I totally understand how you feel about saying goodbye to characters - it's too hard to go back to real life. Good news though - JK Rowling wrote a few of the textbooks and still does some background writing on the HP characters, so you never really have to say goodbye. :)

Leelee said...

Just a warning. You are going to cry a few more times reading the last HP book. I won't give away anything. All I will say is that it is emotional.

Andy Loiseau said...

A fall month full of reading sounds right up my alley. The Blog Life sounds really interesting. I'd love to see a review on that!

Elizabeth Than said...

Ah I need to get back to Blog Life course too. Procrastinating at best. Good luck and have fun!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

Harry Potter!

Victoria said...

I'm collecting paperbacks of the HP series and when I have them all, I'm going to read them! I read the first three when they were released and then decided to just watch the movies. Now I know what I was missing out on, so I'm fixing that! I just know I'm going to bawl!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Yes! You should definitely read the books :)

Meg McIlvaine said...


Meg McIlvaine said...

I has taken me forever to get through it. Slow and steady :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

I will definitely do a review once I'm done!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Ahhhh! Oh dear. I'll keep the tissues close by :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh fun!!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh that's a good goal! I definitely want to take a photography class in the next few months. There is always something new to learn!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Bah. It's almost done. Little things are coming together.

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh glad you're liking it! I'm excited to keep reading!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Ha! I know...seriously, I have cried so many time, but I have GOT to finish it. :)

Amy said...
