Snow is such a beautiful thing to me. It falls, the world stills, and everything is covered in a blanket of white, masking the the imperfections of the world. Snow feels clean. It feels refreshing, and it feels healing. It is always a reminder to me of how Jesus has washed me white as snow, and that is the way he sees me. I see my sin, my imperfections, and my failures, but in the eyes of my savior, I am as white and clean as that fluffy, freshly fallen snow. :)
We spent our morning sledding, laughing, making snow angels, and building a snowman while waiting for snow and ice on the roads to melt. Fun was had, friends. I hope I never grow up so much where I quit enjoying the small things in life like playing in the snow. Kid at heart for life. Who's with me?
Do you get snow where you live? Love it or hate it? What's your favorite snow related activity? Happy weekend! XOXO.
We got a bunch of slush. Boo. However.... thanks to the last owners of our house who were handicapped, there is a ramp off our back deck that makes for some pretty great ice sledding!
these are BEAUTIFUL photos! I'm pretty much ready for winter to be over, but I do love snow!
using that 50mm lens right?! :) :)
these are absolutely beautiful - and i love that you're relating it right back to Jesus. amen and amen.
Beautiful photos! I wish I had thought to get some when it snowed here.
Thanks girl!
You know it!! Thank you :) :)
Ha! I'd love to have snow on the ground all winter long if it would just stay off of the roads. :)
Boooooo slush. At least you got some ice sledding in!!
These photos are so beautiful, Meg!! I love that we got so much snow this year!
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Wait... It's the most snowful time of the year! There we go! :)
Ah ! Me too. I'm ready for spring now, but I'm so glad we got in one good snow!
Hahaha. Punny ;)
That's exactly how I feel about it!
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