Spring is here! If you missed it, we hopped into the month of April yesterday. A new month means new goals and a fresh start. I did pretty well in completing my goals for last month, and I have new ones on the calendar for April. First, let's do a quick review, shall we?
1 | Work on my photography skills - I definitely took time to work on these skills in March, but that doesn't mean I'm done! Each month I want to learn, practice, and strengthen a new photography skill. I'm so excited Elah Tree started The Lens Revolution because it helps me practice a new skill every week!
2 | Read two chapters in The Circle Maker - I read half of one chapter..does that count? ;)
3 |Complete four more chapter in Blog Life - Woohoo! I am ALMOST finished with this course, and I'll be sure to share some of my favorite topics with you...probs this summer.
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4 | Drink at least 80oz of water a day - Done! Aside from a handful of days throughout the month (maybe 4 or so altogether) I drank at least 80oz of water a day! I feel so much better when I'm well hydrated, and I had less headaches in the month of March. I'm contributing that to how much water I drank. ;)
1 | Purge/clean out the closet - Guys, I probably do this once a year or so, and for a while my closet looks like heaven. Then, as things tend to do, everything falls apart. There are clothes and shoes everywhere, un-filed paperwork, random and unfinished projects, every letter I've ever received in the mail...you get the picture. Somehow the closet has exploded. Anyway, that is the current state of my closet, and I need to get everything back under control.
2 | Complete four more chapters in Blog Life - If I stay on track, I'll be done with the course in just two months!
3 | Participate in each challenge of The Lens Revolution - Elah Tree's new photography series is pretty rad, guys. She is going through several practical photography lessons, and each week includes some homework. It's my goal to participate in each week's lesson and complete all of my homework!
I need to purge my room too. Oh the corners of hidden mails. Hah!
I also stopped getting headaches as often once I started drinking more water. I pee a lot more, but I feel way better overall. Congrats on meeting most of your goals and good luck with this month!
Haha yes, I have to pee ALL the time, but less/no headaches is super nice!!
Haha!! Yes. It'll be quite the undertaking, but I've got to get it done!
What is this thing called Blog Life? Am I missing out? Do you recommend it?
It's a course from A Beautiful Mess. I personally think it's really great. It is FULL of incredible content that helps you to process and plan for your blog and it's potential growth. I've really enjoyed it!
So proud of you!!!!! I am doing every challenge in the Lens Revolution too!
Yay! You go girl! I love that you keep your goals small and practical. :) I'm so glad you have been enjoying the photo challenge! It's encouraging to hear that it is helpful. :)
i'm with you on purging.
the closet has GOT to get purged...and i need to be cut-throat with it.
I try to go through my closet at the end of each season. I have no idea how things get so out of control. ;) Best of luck to you!
I am kinda behind. Oh wells! I will catch up!
Thanks lady! It's the only way I'll complete them. HA.
Girl, yes. It is bad. Some major re-organization needs to happen.
Right? It's like "can' you stay clean for five minutes?" ;)
me too!!!
I have to try the lighting one. It is hard because you cannot do it all in one burst.
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