

"You'll need coffee shops and sunsets and road trips. Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else. You will need other people and you will need to be that other person to someone else, a living, breathing screaming invitation to believe better things."

Memorial day was spent with Colorado friends this year, and that time was so good for my heart. We spent a day just being together, soaking up all of the sunshine we could get our hands on, hiking our little hearts out, attempting (on my part) to slack line at the park, and getting in a few good belly laughs.

This move has only increased my understanding of the need for community. It has been so important for me to be around people, and these three, among others, have continued to be there for me. This week I was so grateful for their thoughtfulness, understanding, and love. They help to make this place home.

Have you ever slack lined? If so, are you any good at it? I am not, but I want to learn! :) What do you and your friends/family do on weekends like Memorial Day? Do you stay home and play games or get outside for an adventure? What are some of your favorite outdoor activities?
Stacia said...

I really want to learn to slack line! It looks so hard and so fun!

Alice - The Geeky Burrow said...

That's something I could try, even if I'm afraid of heights :D

Glad you spent some great days with your friends! xx

Julie Hood said...

all that shallow depth of field! (insert heart-eyes emoji here). it looks like such a fun day! and how wonderful to have friends that make the place feel like home--amen to community! ;)

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

#muddyfeet and #mycutehusband

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

To fun! I love all the detailed shots! I'm not sure how great I would do on a slack line. ha!

Meg McIlvaine said...

It scares me a little, but I really want to get better at it! And by better, I mean at least be able to stand on it without holding onto someone for dear life.

Meg McIlvaine said...

Do it! It's fun!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh thanks, girl. ;) Love me some shallow depth of field!!

Meg McIlvaine said...


Meg McIlvaine said...

Well, I'm obviously pretty terrible at it right now...have to hold on to Bruce's arm. ;)

Amy said...

BAHAHAHA bruce's face = amazing.
also...this looks like so much fun! i want to try this too. (let's just start making a "when amy comes" list haha)

Stacia said...

I think that is a great goal!! I believe you can do it!