sitting here in starbucks by myself,
listening to some of my favorite music,
and thinking about the past few weeks.
my summer has been unbelievable.
some memories are a blur.
others replay in slow motion.
regardless, i'm trying to soak up every moment.
2nd session is now in full swing,
and i'm being challenged in very different ways
from the first half of my summer.
1st session's theme for me was {love}
this session it seems to be {trust}
we have three weeks left,
and i know the summer is quickly coming to an end.
i'm learning to trust that the Lord
has my next 3 weeks under control.
that i will get enough time with my kids.
that they will learn what He wants them to this summer.
that He would work and speak through me.
i'm letting go of control because i know it's not in my hands.
i want to live my life to the fullest.
giving my all for the time i have left out here.
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