funny mondays. | THE KLACKNERS


funny mondays.

sorry for the ellen overload, but she always makes me laugh!!
you may want to pause this one just to get the full effect of tony's facial expression.

you're welcome, monday.

Alyson said...

HILARIOUS! and there is never a need to apologize for too much Ellen:)

Amy said...

i want you to know, i am in TEARS at work right now. That was so freaking hilarious oh my gosh...i can't. stop. laughing.

Kiki said...

I seriously just laughed out loud (fortunately no one was home to see me laugh at my computer screen...again!). Girl, thank you for starting my Mondays off right! :)

Elizabeth said...

you are making these funny mondays quite a hit! love em!

Unknown said...

newest follower :) and i seriously love ellen. like could watch youtube clips for hours.
can't wait to