thursday's letters. | THE KLACKNERS


thursday's letters.

dear macbook, this week you took a few more steps closer to death. i had to erase your memory in order to keep you alive. sorry about that. we all have to make sacrifices. dear chattanooga, thanks for beautiful days and walks over the river. dear summer, come quickly. i need a tan. dear best friend, can't wait to spend a whole weekend with you and bruce. the best. dear colorado, see you tonight! 
Elizabeth said...

1. that first one sounds like an episode of doctor who!!!

2. yeah for weekends together (bruce shaved his beard for you. yes, just his beard)

3. colorado says " i hope you packed layers. you will never know what to expect this weekend. maybe snow. maybe shorts."

Unknown said...

Chatt town=the best. Rembrandt's coffee is where it's at.

Unknown said...

have fun in colorado! and i'm sorry about your macbook!

Cheek.HM said...

I was in Chattanooga this past week and walked over the bridge too! SO Beautiful.