thursday's letters. | THE KLACKNERS


thursday's letters.

dear thursday, thank you for being the day before friday. i'm ready for this work week to be over and i'm ready for about a day's worth of naps. dear left leg, we really need to be better friends. first the foot, now the knee. turning twenty-five is no joke. dear colorado, i dream about you all the time. just thought you should know. dear will & kate, thank you for making my dreams come true by naming your baby, george. and naming him after king george the sixth? classy. also, i love that colin firth plays him in the king's speech. dear colin firth, i can't help but first associate you with mr. darcy before thinking of any of your other movies. dear weekend, i'm so excited for some time with my bff. relaxing, laughing, and maybe gettin' our craft on. pinterest, here we come.

<< what are your weekend plans? >>
Anonymous said...

Colin Firth? Gorgeous. I thought his name WAS Mr. Darcy. I jest, of course.... but I loved him in the King's Speech! Such a great actor.