etsy crushes // NO. 3 | THE KLACKNERS


etsy crushes // NO. 3

if you rushed over this morning hoping you could still sign up for etsy swap 2013, i have good news for you! amy and i have extended the sign-ups deadline to friday to give you procrastinators a couple more days to get in on this goodness. and when i say "procrastinators", i mean it as an endearing term. i am one of you. ;)

amy has started a weekly link-up for these etsy crush posts which gives me a great excuse to show you some super cute items i've found over the past few days.

felt flower // $20 

<< what are you crushing on? >>

Amy said...

+ I love these etsy finds...that felt flower ->you missy could totally do that!!!
+ and that "you are my sunshine" pillow = love. That was my moms song. :)

Allison said...

That felt flower is darling! Love your etsy crushes. :)