"where is one place you'd love to travel to in 2014?"
beth // oak + oats
It is so hard for me to pick one place to travel to in 2014! Currently, I am counting down my days until my Florida Disney vacation which I am pretty pumped about so that is a trip I really want to take! It would be so nice to also (finally) visit my best friends - one in Chat Town (that is you megs!) and the other in Kansas City. Also Seattle is on my list! My pandora station keeps telling me that there are cheap flights to Seattle from Colorado Springs - they are right. eeek! Too bad my grown up life only allows for two weeks of vacation!
stormy // life's a dance
I'd LOVE to travel to Bora Bora in 2014! Hello lovely villas on the water!
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amy // taking steps home
I would love to travel to see some of my blog girlfriends in 2014. If i'm unable to do that - maybe Disney World? The Harry Potter theme park is calling my name!
samantha // elah tree
Two places I would love to travel to this year are Wellington, New Zealand and Nashville, TN. Tyler's dad lives in Nashville and we're hoping we get to see him this year. We're big fans of the Mid-West and big fans of Nashville!
britney & hillary // the quiet place
One place i would love to Travel in 2014 is Virginia Beach, since i just moved to 2 and half hours from their this month for Grad school. It would be fun to maybe visit the beach!
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jessie // nelson notes
I dream of traveling all over the world, but the truth is, there are hundreds of things I haven't explored in the good 'ol United States... yet. This summer, our family would love to visit Glacier National Park. I've heard the views are unique and breathtaking. I can't wait!
christina // sweet lavendar bake shoppe
We just recently had a bloggy friend come and visit us over New Years. Someone I had never "met" physically, but had developed a strong friendship with, over the last few years. It got me thinking- how fun would it be to travel the country this year (and maybe into the next) and actually visit all of these strong blogging women I call my good friends?! So, my husband and I plan on saving up and visiting all of them little by little as often as we can! I have three in Arizona (score!), and one in Tennessee...so that's a start! Plus, Samantha from Elah Tree and I will be seeing each other in just a few weeks! Eeeeeep! So excited!
betsy // heavens to betsy
i'd LOVE to travel to someplace warm. it's just been so cold lately that i'm dying for some sunlight and a beach. plus, my best friend is currently in mexico on her honeymoon and i'm just a little bit jealous of how warm and lovely that sounds right now!
allison // allison ramsing
Leaving the country for an adventure has been on my goal list since I was in undergrad. I'm excited to officially announce that 2014 is the year that it is finally going to happen! I'm excited to travel to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 2014 for an academic advising conference. I'm so excited for my adventure that my flights are already booked. I am ecstatic to stay in the beautiful conference hotel and explore Vancouver. If any of you have any tips please send them my way.
kenzie // the ashcraft bunch
I would love to go to an Atlanta Braves baseball game with my husband this year. You can visit this link here for their website. :) We are HUGE fans.
now that we've all got the travel bug, where do YOU want to go this year? tell me about your adventure plans! if you'd like to be part of the rivers and roads team, i'm offering 30% off all advertising through the end of january! code: HAPPYNEWYEAR
These are all great bloggers! I'm excited to keep up with them, as well. My husband and I REALLY want to take our second trip together to Europe this summer. We are longing for Greece, since we've never been. I hope we can go, we just have to scrape together funds. Ha!
This is an awesome way to feature your sponsors without being like READ THIS BLOG. I think right now, I would most like to visit Ireland
Yep! love this!
yes! Amy - can come with me!! i am going in two weeks and two days!!
Meg, I'm secretly wishing to see you if we go to TN even though it's two hours away still. But wishing totally counts.
Ahhhh! Seriously, let me know when y'all do come visit. We MIGHT be able to make it work! :)
score. friendcation!
Oh Ireland. LOVE. I'd love to go for like a month and visit Scotland, Ireland, and England :)
Greece! Gorgeous. Greece always makes me think of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Bahaha. But seriously... Hope y'all get to go! That would be such a sweet trip!
Me too! I'm hoping the military will do it for us and then I don't have to make it into a separate trip ;)
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