1 | Capri Bag from ONA
I was introduce to ONA camera bags by the best friend, and have been drooling over this one ever since. It doubles as a purse and a camera bag and would be GREAT for traveling. If someone would like to celebrate Christmas in July, you can send this to my home address. ;)
2 | Patagonia Cloud Stack Hoody
Okay, so it's the middle of summer. What do I need a hoody for? Well, for one thing, southern summer nights can get quite cool and layering may be needed. I also am a major planner when it comes to buying things, and this cute hoody might just be the perfect layering item for my Christmas Disney trip!
3 | Mountain Range Chaco
I am forever and always crushing on Chacos. The pair I've had since I was fourteen are starting to fall apart. The footbed is incredibly cracked and I'm just waiting for the day when I'm out hiking and my shoe breaks in half. :( I love love LOVE this mountain range pattern and the colors!
4 | Paper to Petal Book
So. Many. Paper. Flowers. I went through a major paper flower phase last year. There's just something about creating something beautiful out of something so simple with your own two hands. This book has gone on my Amazon wishlist!
5 | Camera Strap from Fotostrap
For months, I have been on the hunt for a new camera strap to replace the one that came with my Canon when I bought it four years ago. I want something fun and more "me". These straps from Fotostrap look incredible! If only they weren't so incredibly expensive!
I'm in the exact same boat as you are with most of those items! I love the ONA bags and camera strap!
I LOVE that camera strap! Definitely looks more comfortable then the strap that comes with my DSLR. Found you through the link-up. Stopping by to say hello!
Those camera straps are AWESOME. Probably not gonna happen though for me either!
That hoodie is a super cute color! I collect baggy sweatshirts like they will somehow be used up, even though they get better with age :)
That ONA bag is everything
I want them all!!!!!!!! but I want the hoodie in a different color
Blue for the hoodie. and blue for the chacos.
I'm blue abadie abadi
hey! i get that reference :)
i love the blue too!! i am undecided. i need to go try it on at our outdoor store.
haha! yes it is!
gosh, yes they do!! a well-worn sweatshirt is the best!
AHH. I know! Maybe I'll put it on my Christmas list ;)
So glad you stopped by! The camera strap DOES look comfy :)
Eeeeep. Maybe I'll find a money tree and can get them both! ;)
I love all of these!! I want that book of paper flowers! It would look so pretty on my coffee table, and I'm sure it has some amazing tutorials!
I. want. all. of. these.
all of them.
every. last one.
the end.
Thanks to Beth, I am seriously in love with those ONA bags, too. It's gonna have to go on my Christmas list...
I've also been craving a fun camera strap! This one you picked out looks so cute :) And wow that camera bag!! Looks so sturdy and organized!
xo, gina
Oh man I love those camera straps! I found a cute one that I thought I would love...but it's such an awkward length so I'm on the hunt for a new one! Those are unfortunately not in my price range methinks...
Ahhhh! So many cute things! They are all so lovely! I've never had chacos before, I need to get some!
So I want everything on this list. That hoodie is adorable and I've been eyeing Fotostrap since I discovered them via Beth's instagram about them. I keep hoping to get a good deal on one because I love them so much. :)
Yeah! My camera came with a gigantic bag...and it's definitely not cute :)
Oh fun! Maybe we'll bump into each other! Have so much fun!
Gosh, I know. I want that Fotostrap so bad!!
I need a camera strap and bag too and I love these choices! The bag that my camera came in is huge and not cute;) We are headed to Disney around Christmas too!! Susan
Girl, they are my favorite. Obviously :) They are great for everyday and for hiking.
I know it! A little pricey for me right now! I'm hoping for a sale :)
Yesssss. I love them! They are great for every day and travel!
hahaha me too, obvi ;)
I know, right? I'm a little obsessed with paper flowers. I just want to flip through the pages and see all the different flowers I could make!
I know! Both are so cute...and going on my hopeful Christmas list :)
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