the circle july 2014 | what's in my bag? | THE KLACKNERS


the circle july 2014 | what's in my bag?

Hello, friends! Today I am co-hosting The Circle link-up with sweet Kiki over at In Its Time!  I've known Kiki for over a year now and can honestly say her blog is such breath of fresh air. She is always sharing her heart and speaking her mind and I love that. Plus, we both have a heart for adventure! :) Kindred spirits, if you ask me.

The prompt for July's edition of The Circle is: What's In Your Bag?

I've never done a post like this before, so I was really excited when Kiki and I decided on this one. You guys are going to get the inside scoop on everything that that goes inside my messy purse! ;)  The articles in my bag tend to change depending on the situation, but these items are the ones I tote around on an everyday basis.

PEN POUCH | I am a huge fan of colored pens and lots of them. I like for my planner and my journal to have a little personality, and that's where all the color comes into play. Plus, you never know when you may need twenty pens for a spontaneous game of telephone pictionary! Always be prepared. :)

KEYS | I have way too many non-key related items on my key chain, but it makes it easier for me to fish them out of my purse!

WALLET | This Fossil wallet has been my favorite wallet I've ever owned. I got it on super sale (like for $10!) a few years ago, and I want it to last forever! Notable things inside: ice cream punch card (incredibly important), voter registration card, Starbucks gold card...

KLEENEX | Guys, you never know when you might have a sudden allergy attack or a spontaneous cry fest and need a nice soft tissue for your runny nose and streaky mascara.

HEADPHONES | I take headphones with me every where I go and always keep a set at work. Listening to music is how I get through the work day and drown out all the office distractions.

CONCEALER | Yes, I'm almost 26 years old and still occasionally have breakout. Quick question: does it ever end? #reallife So I always keep a good concealer with me just in case. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

EYEDROPS | During allergy season, which is basically 3/4 of the year in the south, my eyes get really dry and irritated. Staring at a computer screen all day at work doesn't exactly help the situation. My eye doctor recommended some good eye drops to help keep my contacts clear and my eyes moisturized.

GUM | I mean, who doesn't keep gum in their purse? Amiright?

ZIP POUCH | I got this adorable pouch from Elah Tree, and I must say it's great for organizing smaller items in my bag, and it can also be used as a clutch!

SUNGLASSES | My sunnies go with me everywhere. I have blue eyes and blue eyes are extra sensitive to the sun! Plus, I'm all about protecting my eyesight. I'm already halfway blind without my contacts! I've gotta do what I can to help my eyes out!

HAIR ACCESSORIES | You will almost never find me without a hair tie around my wrist. I get mine from The Liberty Shoppe on etsy. You should check them out! A portion of every sale supports efforts to fight human trafficking.

HAND SANITIZER | "Are you sure this water's sanitary?" Name that movie. I keep hand sanitizer in my purse at all times.  There are so many germs floating around out there and you don't always have soap and water and a sink handy (unless you're Mary Poppins, who apparently has everything in that carpet bag of hers.)

CHAPSTICK & LIPSTICK | I used to use the Blistex brand of chapstick until someone introduced me to EOS lip balm. It changed my life and I'm never going back. Helpful hint: buy the value pack at Costco. It's less expensive that way! I also love Maybelline's Baby Lips.  I'm not a huge lipstick kind of girl, but I love that this moisturizes your lips while giving them a little bit of color. "Peach Kiss" is my favorite.

iPHONE | What can I say? I love my iPhone. It's my mobile computer plus so much more. I use it for taking photos, using Instagram, checking email, communicating with my friends, listening to music, and occasionally playing games. My current favorite game is Two Dots. Warning: it's incredibly addicting.

So there you have it friends. The inside scoop.  Whip up a post this week and link-up with us for The Circle!


Robyn Black said...

i feel like this could be my purse! i'm almost 26 and still getting breakouts too - i don't think it ever ends! i have so many pens in my purse it's not even funny! always gotta be prepared to write or draw :) headphones are a must! i keep some by my bed, in the car, and at work! i have blue eyes too & they really are so light sensitive! i'm always telling my husband that because he has brown eyes & just doesn't understand! loved this look into your bag & can't wait to see everyone else's!

meg pitts said...

The concealer thing... 29 and still have breakouts. I think I will forever be plagued with bad skin! And TARZAN!!! We just watched it yesterday!

Kristina said...

I have a confession: I love to see what other girls carry around in their purses :D So this post was right up my alley today. And its content looks strangely similar to mine. In addition I also always have a cotton grocery bag that folds up to be teeny tiny for unplanned grocery trips and my calendar in my purse. Way too much stuff if you ask me but I guess we all have that problem :D

Linds said...

Oh I love a variety of pen colors!

Madison said...

I love these kinds of posts! I really want to do one about my camera bag :) You've inspired me! I can't live without my chapstick! I do use Blistex, actually :) I have used the EOS before too, but I just like my Blistex for now! Love this post girl:)

Angela H said...

I loved this link up. I posted on my site as well. Thank you for sharing. (Holland's Journeys)

Gina Alyse said...

I love the pen pouch! That's such a good idea :) And I have the same iPhone case--it's amazing!

xo, gina

Chelsea said...

I love Elah Tree's products! So cute!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

Girl! I have break outs all the time and I have never thought to put concealer in my bag! You are a smart cookie.

thewheelchairmommy said...

One day I will reduce my bag to the amount you have in yours :) .. one day.

Victoria said...

I really like your penpouch! I need to find a good one like that. :) As for possible outbursts of telephone pictionary, that is EXACTLY why you SHOULD have a large supply of pens in your purse at all times.

Sorry about the breakouts! My WORST time was when I was exactly 20. Thankfully I pretty much never have problems now, but that year had me SCARED. A lot of my aunts never had acne at all until they were well into their twenties. Maybe yours will clear up in a few years?!?!?

Question: What eye drops do you use? I'm looking for some nonmedicated/limited "junk" in them eye drops. I went to the pharmacy section at Wal Mart and everything was full of all kinds of things didn't look like I needed them in my eyes.

That movie would be Tarzan. I quote that line all of the time! :) And I usually keep some kind of wipes in my purse because there are just so very many things that look questionable to me! ;)

Jenny Fish said...

Wow! You fit so much stuff in your purse. I have to make myself carry a little clutch, because the bigger my purse is, the more I want to put in it! I love Baby Lips, too, and wear that same color.

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

You purse inspires me to want to have more items in my purse! Seriously! Also, the other day I was thinking about how everything in the world makes me cry and then I thought of you and remembered I wasn't alone. Also, also I have decided that I am probably a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). I didn't even know that was a thing, but I feel better knowing that it is and that I'm not just totally weird. More alsos, I think we have the same concealer and I'm so glad you like your pouch!

Asia @ The Cracked Lens said...

Your purse is way more practical than a lot of other women! That's Tarzan btw :)

Lauren Cornwell said...

I love your idea of a pen pouch in your purse, I have ruined more than one cute purse because I leave a cap off. Why didn't I think of that?

Christina M said...

That zip pouch is an amazing idea! Keep all receipts and coupons in one place. If I were to show the contents of my purse it would almost look like the kitchen junk drawer! Stopped by from the link up! Thanks for sharing!

Chantel -A Harvest of Blessing said...

fun, I always love these kinds of posts (maybe because I'm snoopy and wonder what everyone else has in their purses). :) Um, and as a 28 year old, so far I can say: the breakouts do not stop. Boo. I thought that was supposed to be one of the positives of getting older?!?

Jenna Griffin said...

I immediately knew that dot pouch had to be a Samantha creation. :) I love your entire bag!

Anna Belle said...

I love these kinds of posts! I also have way too much on my keys too, but you're right, it makes them easier to spot at the bottom of my purse!

Amy said...

I need to do this asap.
also I love that 99% of us have an elah tree pouch @Samantha@Elah Tree is just so dang awesome ;)

Kiki said...

So when you said we had like half of the same things in our bags, I didn't realize how serious you were! My goodness, I love that we have so much in common. :) Although, I think your hand sanitizer smells better than mine (mine is plain) and your bag looks way neater and in much better shape than mine, haha. :)

Amanda said...

I love my Fossil wallet! I got mine for like $18, so not quite as good a sale as yours, but close. I want mine to last a really long time too! And I've got my ice cream punch card inside. Very important ;) Thanks for hosting!

Amy Hodgdon said...

This is such a fun link-up!
I really love seeing what's in everyones bag as "must haves!"
I second you on the kleenex and concealer!

Megan McIlvaine said...

They are essentials! :)
And yes, I love seeing what's in everyone else's bags!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Nice! I love it when you find a good sale :)
Girl, those ice cream punch cards are important!!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Haha!! We do! Thanks for letting me co-host this month, friend!

Megan McIlvaine said...

I loved seeing how many people have Elah Tree items!! :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Exactly :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Thanks girl!! Also, everything Samantha makes is great!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Oh good call!! I should throw my medicines in my zip pouch!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Haha Chantel. I am snoopy too. :)
Ugh. It's not like it's even crazy breakouts...just random and annoying. I totally thought one of the perks of getting older would be no more breakouts!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Haha!! Sometimes my purse looks that way too. I try to clean it out every couple weeks and trash all the receipts that have piled up.

Megan McIlvaine said...

Me too!! I finally go a pen pouch a couple of years ago and it has been the best.

Megan McIlvaine said...

Oh fun!!
Yay gum twins! :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Tarzan for the win! ;)
I try to only carry things that I really need and will actually use!

Megan McIlvaine said...

I haven't taken a test to tell my I'm a Highly Sensitive Person, but I bet I am! You are totes not alone :)
I love that concealer! It works really well, I think! All of the writing has rubbed off, but I think it's Covergirl...

Megan McIlvaine said...

For the past few years, I carried a much smaller purse and fit about the same amount in it haha. It fell apart and I decided to go with a bigger purse so it didn't seem so stuffed :) Plus it's great to throw my camera in and it's great for traveling. I can fit so much in it!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Ha! It took me a while to get there :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Genius. You should do it! I keep it with me all the time. Just in case...

Megan McIlvaine said...

Love them all!

Megan McIlvaine said...

I love my phone case!! i drop my phone a lot and it's never been scratched or cracked!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Thanks for stopping by!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Telephone pictionary is the best!
My eyedrops are the Thera Tears brand. I like them!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Oh you should! I'd read it :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

Me too! I'm a little obsessed :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

I do too! It's so fun to see what everyone else has!
Cotton grocery bag is a great idea!!

Megan McIlvaine said...

The worst. I thought it was supposed to go away as we got older!
Yay Tarzan! :)

Megan McIlvaine said...

I'm so glad you understand my need for sunglasses!! I even wear them sometimes when it's cloudy! haha.

-Bess- said...

Girl, that movie is Tarzan - & I love it! =) Thanks for sharing your bag innards with us {I'm not sure why I just used that word}!

Megan McIlvaine said...

Bahaha. Innards. That made me laugh out loud. ;)

Teresa Young said...

I have a Brush & Pencil full of writing utensils too! {mine's Paisley Meets Plaid} and we have the exact same gum. haha. I love seeing what kind of fun random things people carry with them (: