

1 | Cooler temps. Guys, it was in the 80s early last week and in the 40s this weekend. My body isn't really sure how to handle it...BUT I'm so excited to be wearing all of my warm and cozy clothes!

2 | Dizzy spells. Remember when I told you about my dizzy episodes? Well, turns out I have vertigo. You know what's fun about vertigo? You never know when it's going to stop by for a visit or how long it may decide to stay. ;)

3 | Apples orchards. About once a year, we head out to an apple orchard over the hill and through the woods to pick up some delicious apples, apple turnovers, apple fritters, and apple slushies. We stock up when we go to the apple orchard, y'all.

-- The most epic safety video ever made. #nerdalert
-- It truly is okay and necessary to be still.
-- What are some of your fall favorites?
-- Starry Night, domino edition.
-- 15 tips for dressing your growing baby bump.
-- Can you say "yum town"?
-- If Disney princesses had realistic waistlines.

Top 5 Reasons To Join TriStyle & Co.
The Great Christmas Exchange 2014
Let Heaven And Nature Sing
Yellow Umbrella Stationary Giveaway

Elizabeth Than said...

Gaaah vertigo. I hope it won't stay for too long when it is here. And apples!

meg - me with the three said...

Vertigo is a no go. Haha! I crack myself up. Also... got up waay to early this morning so more wise and witty cracks will probably be coming your way though out the day today. You're welcome.

ellie said...

Love the photographs with all of those autumn colors :)

Indiellie | Bloglovin'

Lauren Beth Hanson said...

Love those buffalo checked shirts!

Britney said...

Love apples! One of my favorite parts of fall! :)
The photos--LOVE!
aww. I hope your dizzy spells go away soon! that's no fun!

Jenna Griffin said...

Ahhh, vertigo! I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Is it something that could go away eventually?
I seriously love that photo of you and Amy! Y'all are just so amazing.

Victoria said...

It's been COLD here too...Well, not quite as cold (or white) as what my friends in Maine and SC had to deal with over the weekend, but still cold. I can feel winter.

Vertigo is terrible! Do you have some answers as to what to do about it? I have a friend that has it and the "Epley Maneuver" really helps her. I don't know if you see a Chiropractor, but I know that they perform it.

That Disney Princess caught my eye...Some of them weren't all that different which surprised me! And Samantha's brownies look SOOOO good! :)

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

I love that you and Amy are wearing similar shirts! YES!

Laura Jean said...

You are the #sharemyautumn champ! You deserve an award! I am having such a hard time choosing my favorite of yours. This flannel one of you and Amy may just be a strong contender!

Angela said...

The weird thing about the Disney princess link is that they don't look much different... I wonder why they decided to have their waists so small?

Amy said...

i have to admit that i bought mine AFTER her...i made the twin thing happen bahahha

Amy said...

oh snap! we are adorable hahaha
ok now onto the more serious stuff - vertigo - BOOOOOOOOOOOO! that is the absolute worst. have they given you "methods" to try with prevention/maintenance? my grandma has it really bad (i get pretty bad spouts here and there) and i've looked up some stretches/exercise that can help with relief.
i want to go to an apple orchard so badly!
i'm excited to look at that safety video.
and the princess waist line has always been interesting to me. as a child i never, EVER noticed it, as an adult i can see the difference!

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

I totally want one too!

Amy said...

do it! #triplets! ;)

Meg McIlvaine said...

My doctor said to try to figure out what movements tend to trigger the dizziness and avoid those, but I'm going to look into other things that will be helpful the next time it happens.
Disney princesses...right??

Meg McIlvaine said...

I know it!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Bah! Well thanks ;) It was a fun hashtag!!

Meg McIlvaine said...

#twins. Get one!

Meg McIlvaine said...

It's getting chilly around here!
My doctor gave me some advice, but there's not really a "cure" for it. :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Apparently it could not happen for 20 years and then come back. HA! It just loves to be spontaneous, that vertigo. ;)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Apples are delicious! I can't wait to make a yummy apple pie at Thanksgiving!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh my goodness...I seriously wear mine ALL the time.

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thank ya! Autumn is just too beautiful!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Hahahaha. You are hilarious.

Meg McIlvaine said...

Me too! ;)