

Here we are again, meeting for coffee at one of my favorite spots. I picked this place because I'm moving and it's the last time I'll get to stop by for quite some time. I'll give you a big hug, and we'll stand in line and chat as we wait. You'll order an iced chai and I'll go for my favorite iced white mocha. It's a gorgeous Tennessee day, so we'll grab a table on the patio and suffer through the blanket of pollen for the sake of the sunshine. I'll look around and quietly take it all in: the students studying for finals, that cute elderly couple sharing a scone, the guy sitting in the corner alone totally engrossed in a good book, and then there's you and me. Friends since forever, or at least it seems that way. We've walked through many seasons and adventures together, and now I'm off to start a new one.

You'll jump right into asking me about my quickly approaching move to Colorado, because honestly, that's why we are here. To say our goodbyes. I'll light up when I start to tell you about the new job, moving to a new city full of old friends, and beginning new adventures. But I'll say the thing they don't tell you about a dream coming true is that some others die in the process. A friend recently told me that just because God calls us to other places doesn't mean it is going to be easy and without sadness. I am sad that I will not be here to support a best friend as she becomes a mama in the next couple of weeks. I am sad that I will be so far away from family. I am sad that I won't be able to drive home on any given weekend. I am sad for all of the things I will miss out on here. I'll tell you that leaving the home town and people you love so much involves a certain grieving process. My emotional state is all over the place these days as moments hit me from out of nowhere that bring tears to my eyes. For instance, I started crying in the car the other day because I was worried my dog was going to forget about me. You'll giggle at me, but it happened! I told you, I'm emotional. ;)

I'll tell you that despite the inevitable sadness of leaving my life here behind, I'm also so excited for this move. I've wanted to move to Colorado over the past four years, and Jesus continually told me to wait and wait and wait. Now that the answer is finally yes, I cannot even believe it. I can't believe I get to live in the same city as my best friend. I can't believe I get work at one of my favorite places on earth. I can't believe I get to drive by Garden of the Gods and see Pike's Peak every day. I can't believe I get to learn how to drive in the snow. ;) I'll tell you how thankful I am for this opportunity, this gift that Jesus has given me. Tears will well up in my eyes as I tell you how thankful I am that Jesus made me wait four years. Although I couldn't always see it at the time, those years allowed me to grow, to figure out who I was, to nurture deeper relationships with my friends, and to learn more about who Jesus wants me to be. I needed those years. They have helped prepare me for this.

Since you're a reader of my blog, I'll talk about stepping back from this space a little over the next couple of weeks. I'm not completely vanishing. There will be posts, but I want to use the time I have left in Tennessee spent with friends and family. Also, let's be honest, I have a lot of packing to do. Don't worry, though. Once I get settled in Colorado, I'll be back full-time with lots of stories and adventures for you from my new home.

Even though you are smiling at me and nodding along, I can still see the sadness behind your eyes. You've been swirling the ice in the bottom of your cup for the last ten minutes just to distract yourself from what's coming. This is hard for the both of us, and I want you to know how cherished and valued you are as my friend. I love you dearly and will miss you so much my heart hurts. As Winnie the Pooh once said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

Time is ticking away, but we don't want to leave. Eventually we'll toss our empty cups and head to the cars. This is it, the moment we've been dreading. I'll hug you tight, and oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I just got snot in your hair. We'll die laughing through our tears because we both know I've never been a cute or ladylike crier. In shaky voices, we'll say our "I love you's" and "see you soon, then's" before heading our separate ways, both seeking new adventures while treasuring the ones left behind.
Josra said...

Oh. My. You made me cry...all those emotions of leaving became so tangible. Excitement, sadness, joy. And more. You described is so very well!
I hope you can cherish your last days, that the good bye's are see you soon and that your transition will be smooth. And good luck with packing! Congratulations :)

meg - me with the three said...

Live in those emotions. Don't brush them off. It's part of the process. (I'm preaching to myself too.)

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

Whew! All the feels! This made me miss my home town and all the people in it. This was so lovely, Meg! I'm so excited for you!

Robyn Black said...

Pooh is such a smart bear! i love what you said about God's call also involving sadness. it can be such a hard thing to leave certain things behind, but hopefully the excitement of the new will overtake the sadness once you get to CO!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks Robyn! I think it definitely will...the leaving part is the hardest!

Meg McIlvaine said...

XOXO. Thanks Samwise. You should come visit me sometime ;)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Praying for you, friend!! Thanks for all of your encouragement!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks Josra! I'm trying to enjoy the moments I have left here!

Marissa Giddens said...

Awe Megan, this almost made me cry! I'm so excited for this nest adventure and will be praying for you these next few weeks. I hope the transition is a smooth one!

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

Megs! This made me cry and I am the one who is winning in this ;) I love your Coffee Talk posts and your beautiful heart.

Jess // Foreign Room said...

Goodbyes are definitely rough. I am so excited for you and your new adventure though! It sounds like it is going to be a great new opportunity for you! I loved this post and the idea of it being a Coffee Date :)

Elizabeth said...

This was so well written. I loved the whole tone you took because it really made me feel like we were sitting together having a conversation. I'm so excited for you, and I totally understand the roller coaster of emotions. But wow, doing it in God's timing is better than anything we could ever imagine. I'll be praying for you! And now I really want iced coffee...thanks for that ;)

Bailey said...

This is such a beautiful post. I'm so excited for you! Colorado Springs is amazing. Where will you be working?

allisonramsing said...

You got me emotional too! Praying you enjoy the last moments in TN to the fullest! Moving is definitely not easy, but it's exciting to be where God wants us. Enjoy and congrats!

Amy said...

you totally just made me tear up.
it was a complete moment - full circle - full of joy AND sadness.
I'm so happy for you, for this move and this new journey and all that the Lord will be doing within you and through you in a new place. I know it is so hard to process saying goodbye for a little bit with your current home.
i'm a little sad that it will now require a plane trip to come see you ;) but i'm looking forward to coming to colorado and chilling and actually getting to meet beth in the process (yeah girl, calling you out! haha)

Stacia said...

Meg! This post is so beautiful. It made me tear up, for sure. I love how eloquently you addressed both the anticipation and the sadness that come with moving. Emotions I've been feeling approach more and more recently as my husband and I also prepare to move (though not quite as soon as you.) I'm so excited to see this new adventure that you're going on!

P.S. My dog never forgot me even though I went away to school for 4 years and then lived in another state for 2. Every time I came home he knew who I was and we were BFFs. Dogs are pretty wonderful like that. :)

Kelly Pruim said...

This was so very well written, and perfectly captures all the feels about what you're facing. It reminds me of my similar situation this time last year. It is so incredibly hard to leave a place that your heart is so attached to, but it is also incredibly exhilarating to follow what Jesus has planned for your life. I'm excited for you and hope that all of your packing and travels go smoothly!

Mo W said...

Awww. so Bittersweet, but you're going to LOVE colorado.

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thank you, Marissa!

Meg McIlvaine said...

XOXO. Can't wait to see you!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks girl!! I am definitely excited :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Aw Elizabeth! Thanks. :) God's timing is always the best, that's for sure!

Meg McIlvaine said...

I'll be working at Glen Eyrie!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks so much, Allison! We'll be close to the same time zone. HA!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks for all of your support over the past weeks, friend. :) And I'm glad planes exists so we can still visit friend far away!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh thank you, Stacia. When is y'all's move? Did you decide on Charleston??

Ah! I'm so glad to hear that about your dog! It was a legit concern of mine!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks girl! I'm excited to be following wherever Jesus leads. :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Colorado IS pretty rad. :)

allisonramsing said...


Bailey said...

NO WAY! Glen Eyrie is so cool!!!

Stacia said...

We're searching for places right now, but it looks like we'll be in Charleston in July! :) If you're ever out that way seeing Amy let me know!! :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

So exciting! And I'll definitely let ya know. Y'all should totes hang out!!

Rachel said...

OH MY I can relate to this so so much right now! I just made a big move too, that I have waited years and years for God to say it is the right time! It is so so hard to say goodbye. Suddenly the things you thought you didn't even like you realize you are going to miss those things too. I remember being so emotional for months, crying over what seemed like the silliest things. I came down the elevator at my job for the last time and cried. Those were the things that filled my life every day for years. Moments I loved and grew so much as a person from. At the same time it never felt more right to be moving on. There are so many people that I miss so much, they are always a phone call or text away though. It just makes your visits with them that much sweeter and more precious! Best of luck to you on your move! I can't wait to hear how it all goes and read about your new adventures! Colorado is gorgeous! God Bless

Stacia said...

We are definitely planning on it! :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh my goodness. I didn't think I'd cry when I left my job, but I completely sobbed telling my coworkers goodbye.

Your words were so encouraging, Rachel. This move has been hard, but you are so right. My visits home will mean so much more as I treasure the time with the people I love there. Thank you!