

As you may know, I live in Colorado now. This Tennessee girl packed her bags a month and a half ago and moved away from her hometown after twenty-six years of living in the sweet south. You may also know that I did my best to make the most of my time in Tennessee. I have always been a huge advocate for being an explorer and adventurer in your own city, and I tried to live that out back home. Whether it was taking long drives to discover new spots and back roads, getting out in my kayak, checking out new trails, or finding hidden gems of coffee shops, I was always on the hunt for the new and exciting within my hometown.

There is a bumper sticker you will more than likely see if you happen to drive through Colorado. It has green mountains with white lettering that says "native". People are proud to be from this state. I get it. I love my home state too. There's another bumper sticker you'll see that is almost identical, and it says "not a native, but I got here as fast as I could!" That's me. ;) Not a native, but so happy to be here and incredibly eager to explore as much of Colorado as I can. So there you go, the inspiration for this new adventure series.

So far since moving here, I've managed to explore at least one new location each week. Of course, this isn't really difficult to do since so much of Colorado is new to me. :) My adventure buddy and I have been making the most of our weekends and hope to get in a lot of hiking and fresh air this summer. A couple of weekends ago, we found ourselves in the Cheyenne Canyon area above Helen Hunt Falls. We were looking for a place to hang up a hammock and had to go trailblazing to find the perfect spot. You should know, sometimes the most beautiful spots are off the beaten path. We laughed, relaxed, and appreciated the stillness and silence the great outdoors can offer if you're willing to listen.

Where are some of your favorite spots to explore in your city or state? Are you from Colorado? Leave me a comment with some suggested locations to explore! :) Stay tuned for more of my adventures in the Not a Native series as I continue to explore this new city and home.
Elise Jay said...

hahaha! I love your not native attitude! :)

I've only spent a little time in Durango, CO and it is BEAUTIFUL. If you can handle the drive, you MUST go up to Ouray -- it is like a little Switzerland! <3

Elizabeth Mayberry said...

YAY! I love practicing my photography on you :)

Maegan Dockery said...

Ah, I am so jealous of your adventures! I would love to visit Colorado someday. I love the idea of "adventuring" in your own hometown; it's so easy to miss stuff in places you've been in for so long. Thanks for the reminder! #PeonyProjectLove

Samantha@Elah Tree said...

Meg! I'm so excited to see all your adventures! This is so fun! And I love your photos!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh my goodness!! I just looked up Ouray and putting it on my must-see list in Colorado!! Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Hee hee. :) You're the best!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh thanks girl!! Be sure to say hi if you stop by Colorado for a visit!

Meg McIlvaine said...

Oh Samwise, I wish you were here to have adventures with me! Love you!

Stacia said...

I love these photos and this new series! I've actually been planning to do something similar once we complete our move to Charleston. I can't wait to see the rest of your adventures and more of this beautiful state.

Jess Elyse said...

I've yet to find a good place to hang my hammock here in Mobile. :( Much more city than adventure area. But, I'm determined! There are plenty of parks and areas that line water, I should be able to find something! Sorry for my rant. I think I'm going to like this new series! Between you and Elizabeth, I get my West Is Best fix. :)

Meg McIlvaine said...

Thanks girl! And YAY! I'm excited to see your Charleston adventures!

Meg McIlvaine said...

West is Best! I read this out loud to Beth and we both giggled with joy. Thanks for reading along in this series!

Elise Jay said...

You betcha! The drive is a little treacherous, but well worth it! :)

Amy said...

#1 helloooooo gorgeous
#2 i love this place, it's now on my list.
#3 these pictures are banging
#4 i love this series ;)

Meg McIlvaine said...

#1 aw shucks.
#2 it is beautiful!!
#3 thanksssss. beth took them. :)
#4 YAY! i'm so glad and i'm excited to post more as i explore!