Last week, we announced a brand new Instagram challenge with #holdersnotfolders. We thought it would be fun to end the summer with a chance to think creatively, work on our photography skills, and build an even stronger community within #holdernotfolders. You guys are so great, and we love that you are using this little hashtag that reminds us to reach out to others instead of simply folding into ourselves.
This week, your photo prompt is FAMILY. Show us what family looks like to you. Maybe it's time spent with your biological family, or a handwritten note you wrote or received from a family member. And sometimes the people we consider family are those who aren't actually related by blood. I don't know about you, but I only have one biological sibling. However, I feel like my family is so much larger. My closest friends are like family to me, and Jesus has given me so many different brothers and sisters that way. That has been really important to me since moving to Colorado. I don't have any family here, which has been really hard, and I'm so grateful to have friends and families who have taken me under their wing and made me feel so welcome and loved. I need that family time so much.
HOMEWORK: Make sure you follow @oakandoats and @megmcilvaine on Instagram and get creative in the ways you introduce us to the FAMILY in your life! Don't forget to #holdersnotfolders and make new friends in this community! XOXO.
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