

Do you know what day it is?? Holders Not Folders day! We're moving on to our seventh week in the new Instagram challenge with #holdersnotfolders as we wrap up these summer months and head into my favorite season, autumn! We thought it would be fun to end the summer with a chance to think creatively, work on our photography skills, and build an even stronger community within #holdernotfolders. I love this growing community of ours, and I'm so grateful for the ways you all encourage and build one another up. Let's keep using this little hashtag that reminds us to reach out to others and build community instead of simply folding into ourselves.

Here are a few of my favorite NEW moments from this past week. New sights, new adventures, new seasons in life. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your world this week!

This week, your photo prompt is WRITTEN. Show us some handlettering, or books you're reading, or scripture that is speaking to you, or lyrics that make your heart soar. It's really all up to you and your endless creativity. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

One of the things I've struggled with in the past is finding consistency in my Instagram style. Do I want my photos bright and bold,  or more muted, or black and white, etc? Personally, I think that your editing style is something important to consider when looking at your Instagram feed. Your style helps to set you and your brand apart from the rest of the crowd. I edit every single one of my photos the same way, using the same filter, in order to create a kind of consistent feel for all of the photos in my feed. This helps to set a "mood" for your Instagram. I've found that I prefer my photos to be brighter and bolder. This means I tend to bump up the exposure, contrast, and saturation, and throw on my favorite filter at a low intensity (usually HB 1 or 2 in VSCO). Play around with it and figure out what style you love best!

HOMEWORK: Make sure you follow @oakandoats and @megmcilvaine on Instagram and get creative in the ways you show us the WRITTEN things in your life! Don't forget to #holdersnotfolders and make new friends in this community! XOXO.