

Location: Garden of the Gods Park
Details: Dress (Filly Flair) | Hammered Gold Cuff | Gold Necklace
Photos By: A Love Photography

At the end of September, two of my dear blog-turn-real-life friends came to visit Beth and me for a long weekend. We had so many adventures and conversations to warm your heart with Sam and Amy, which you'll hear about later. Everyone came with their own hopes and dreams for the weekend, and Amy's greatest dream was to do our hair and makeup, put us in flowy dresses, and throw us in a field with mountain backdrops right at golden hour.

Now if you know me at all, you might know this kind of deal isn't my favorite. For someone who loves taking pictures of other people, I really dislike having my own photo taken. My level of awkwardness sky rockets on the awkwardness scale any time I step in front of a camera (you can ask my friends. They'll confirm this.) The good news is that Amy can make just about anybody feel comfortable about having their photos taken, and she helped me step outside my comfort zone in the best way.

I learned so much from the girls over the weekend as we watched how each of us approaches taking a photo. Some of us snap away like crazy while others take their time and really study the lighting or the posing or the framing. I loved seeing us capture moments from so many different perspectives, and I can't wait for our next weekend getaway. :)

P.S. Get 15% off your purchase of Ekata jewelry with code EKATA15