.fall favorites. | THE KLACKNERS


.fall favorites.

I know I talk about fall ALL the time and how it's my favorite season.  So pardon me for bringing it up again.  There are just so many things to love.  Let me make a list..we all know how much I love those.  The following are not placed in order of preference.  I love them all the same..and unconditionally.  I'm not here to hurt fall's feelings.

fall favorite numero uno: colorful leaves.
(I also like to speak spanglish)
Is it against blogging laws to use the same picture in 2 different posts?  Sorry if it is, but I like this picture, and I don't feel like going outside right this second to take pictures of leaves in the front yard.  My neighbors already think I'm crazy...at least that's what I tell myself.

fall favorite numero dos: naps.
I don't think this needs an explanation.  Naps are just awesome. Period.

fall favorite numero tres: sweaters & scarves.
They don't have to be worn together, but that would be extra awesome.  I think I like the fact that both these things can be worn several different ways and with several different things.  So versatile.  Seriously though.  I LOVE scarves.  They are so fun, and comfy, and warm.  They might be my security blanket.  Shhh. Don't tell anyone.

fall favorite numero quatro: football.
Me gusta football.  I love being out on a Saturday and seeing everyone in their team's gear.  It's so fun.  Sadly, I don't get to watch a lot of college games.  However, on a Sunday afternoon/evening, you can find me watching an NFL game...mainly the Colts.  They lost today btw.  It made my heart sad, but I have to realize that I'm going to be let down a little this year.  I mean who am I to put pressure on them to have another perfect season?  It's ok, Colts.  I'm still a fan.

fall favorite numero cinco: hot chocolate.

Okay people.  I'm not talking about any old hot chocolate here.  I like to add a little somethin' somethin' to it.  That's right.  I'm talking about hazelnut creamer.  Hey.  Don't judge it before you try it.  It's delish! (that's for you, jodie.)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink hot chocolate and watch the Giants game.  Let's go, Eli.

Adios y'all.
Aimie Long said...

presh. i think i agree with you a lot on everything except the football thing. not that i dont like football, i would just rather watch a movie or something... OR SOCCER! Go #7! (it was #7 right?)

Megan Klackner said...

haha. YES. soccer. mine was #7...don't steal my man, aimie. :) hahaha. goooood times. AND we should definitely all watch a movie when we come next week!!

Natalie said...

i agree with aimie! except i don't know who #7 is cause i had to spend my summer in stupid knoxville. oh well. LOVE the last pic. super fun. it's way fab.