- core group. all five of us back together again
- a whole weekend in colorado
- staying in the broadmoor hotel. a first and probably a last. ain't nobody can afford that!
- time with my best friend and her hubs
- blue skies and autumn temperatures
- trips to the zoo
review // Cardstore
#etsyswap2013 // the reveal
download this // shine your light
i just got home from colorado late last night and am trying to recover from a whirlwind trip to my other home. pictures from the rocky mountain state to come later this week :) now, can someone please bring me a large caramel latte? great, thanks.
I just found your blog through annapolisandco, it's so, so cute! You're obviously very talented :)
girl - after the glorious weekend you had (thanks to my instagram stalking) I would need like 3 cups of coffee!! :)
can't wait to read & see everything!!
mmm that picture of colorado. i've been there once and i'm fairly certain it's one of the most beautiful states. gorgeous. -natalia
i wish i could hear you out loud ask for a caramel latte!!! good thing i already know your sweet southern voice so i can just imagine it ;)
I really enjoyed following your trip with Beth on IG! I knew you two have been friends for a long time, but how do you know each other? :)
Colorado is so beautiful. I'd love to visit one day! Glad you had such a great weekend!
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