- we rang in the new year with the secret life of walter mitty and a competitive game of dutch blitz. i fell asleep on the couch around 10 (i am old), woke up at 11:30, and was kept up for the next couple hours by the fireworks our neighbors were shooting off. happy new year ;)
- i got my new glasses in from warby parker! i'll have a review up for you sometime soon.
- catching fire: round 2. a friend and i went to hang out with katniss and peeta on saturday afternoon. we just love them a whole lot.
- downton abbey is back!!! my mom and i watch it together every sunday when it's being aired. i wasn't sure i'd watch it again this year since they killed off my two favorite characters, but i'm willing to give it a shot. plus, maggie smith is the greatest. am i right??
HANAair // product review
2013 in review
DIY // pom pom garland
we were supposed to have some snow today, but i woke up this morning to only a few flakes. however, our back porch is a sheet of ice. here in tennessee, people tend to freak out a little when they hear the term "arctic blast" come out of the weather man's mouth. apparently all bread and milk have been bought out at the grocery stores. i heard it was like a madhouse at all the stores yesterday. my only issue this morning was getting out of our super hilly neighborhood while avoiding the black ice. i made it! phew.
what did you do for new year's eve?
I WANT SNOW!!! (you can keep the ice, driving on that freaks me out haha).
I still want to go re-see catching fire, here's to hoping it's still in theatres this weekend!
uhhh I want to hear all about these new glasses, I need a new pair myself!
for new years we went to a friends house who was hosting a party, we were there until...oh about 2am...WHAT?! I couldn't believe I was up that late hahaha.
It's snowing at my house! Yay :) I'll drive to send some your way! I felt the same way about Downton Abbey...I almost wanted to boycott with Sybil and Matthew being gone, but it's just too good to stay away!
People here in Kentucky freaked out because of the weather, too. They've canceled school even though we didn't get any snow because it's cold outside.
We actually got a snow day today because of the cold temps and about an inch of snow. I'm definitely not complaining. :) And hooray for Downton being back on. What did you think of the first episode?!
Yay for Downton Abbey! Even though I was really sad, I thought the season premiere was pretty great :) Also, can't wait to see your new glasses, how exciting! Love WP.
Movies + watching TV with your mom + NEW GLASSES?!?! Sounds like a lovely week and weekend to me. :)
girl! welcome back to blogland! yes, please...send me some snow!! i bet it's gorgeous up there in the mountains! downtown abbey...i still haven't gotten over the loss of sybil and matthew. they were my faves! but surprisingly i'm still enjoying the show :)
hahaha i know! they cancel school here before even a flake has fallen. the south is so silly :)
yeah driving on ice is scary...espesh when you know there's black ice out there. yikes!
i think catching fire was better the second time because i wasn't comparing it to the book so much. that movie leaves me with my adrenaline pumping haha.
i'll do a post about my glasses soon! promise.
your new year's sounds awesome! i've never been a huge new year's eve girl. i sort of like it chill :) in highschool, though, we'd have lots of friends over and plays games and such. that was a lot of fun!
aw so fun! seriously, snow is one of my favorite things. it's so magical to me.
i actually really liked the first episode of downton!! i'm really sad that mary is back to her debbie downer self, but i understand because her husband died...but matthew always made her happy and fun! gosh, so sad. anyway, i freaking love lady grantham. she is my favorite character. and i'm excited to see this new business relationship between mary and tom!
i know! i was pleasantly surprised by the premiere. they definitely got me hooked again :)
love my new glasses. still getting used to the new prescription, so once that works itself out, i think i'll be 100% happy :)
the best, right?? it was nice and relaxing!
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