let me just start out by telling you that i took the myers briggs test for the first time when i was fifteen. i was dual enrolled and attending a local community college getting credit for highschool and college classes. being in the 10th grade, i was trying to figure out what i was good at and what i might want to study once i graduated from highschool. so i took the test, which i think was really helpful for me as a highschooler to understand a little bit more about my personality. i took the test again during my senior year of college. i was preparing for interviews and searching for internships and didn't really know how to communicate about my strengths and weaknesses. my dad, who is a marriage and family/professional counselor (so he knows a thing or two about personalities...), encouraged me to take the test again and gave me all sorts of material to look through about my personality type. the test layed those strengths and weaknesses out for me in a way that was very helpful when interview time came around! the great news is, each time i've taken this test, i've received the same results. so at least i'm consistent if nothing else! :)
the best friend showed me this a couple days ago and i LOVE it. i'm currently reading the harry potter series (i know, i love kid books) because i've seen all the movies and was told the books are so much better...which is almost always the case. so who am i? dumbledore! i'm an ENFJ.
so what does that mean? here's some info about ENFJs:
"living in the world of people possibilites, they enjoy their plans more than their achievements. they get excited about possibilites for the future, but may become easily bored and restless with the present." // this is totally me. i'm a planner and a dreamer...like rapunzel (who i would obviously be if i were a disney princess...)
"ENFJs are charming, warm, gracious, creative and diverse individuals with richly developed insights into what makes other people tick." // i feel like i've almost always been able to read and understand people really well.
as an ENFJ, i love people, spending time with them, and getting to know their story. i highly value people and get invested very easily. this happens not only in real life, but also with ficitional characters. for example, i love doctor who. i know, i'm a total nerd and i'm okay with that. so i found out my favorite characters were going to die and was trying to explain to a friend how upset i was about it. they did not understand until i exclaimed that it felt like my best friends were about to be killed off!!! dramatic, i know. calm down, megs. but really, i wish i could be friends with fictional characters in real life. that would be the best!
i absolutely hate conflict and have had to learn how to handle it better over the past few years. i get really shaky and nauseous and would rather hide in a hole in the ground than deal with the present situation. super healthy...NOT.
i am a planner to the core. this isn't necessarily a negative characteristic. afterall, the world does need some of us to be planners. however, i have had to learn to go with the flow more often, be flexible, and be more spontaneous. it's good for my soul :)
as much as i love personality tests and how much they reveal about myself, i would like to say that i don't think anyone should be put in a box. you may have some character traits of other personality types and that's okay. i certainly do. that's one thing i love about poeple in general: we are all SO different and it's through our differences that we can help each other grow and learn.
so what does that mean? here's some info about ENFJs:
"living in the world of people possibilites, they enjoy their plans more than their achievements. they get excited about possibilites for the future, but may become easily bored and restless with the present." // this is totally me. i'm a planner and a dreamer...like rapunzel (who i would obviously be if i were a disney princess...)
"ENFJs are charming, warm, gracious, creative and diverse individuals with richly developed insights into what makes other people tick." // i feel like i've almost always been able to read and understand people really well.
as an ENFJ, i love people, spending time with them, and getting to know their story. i highly value people and get invested very easily. this happens not only in real life, but also with ficitional characters. for example, i love doctor who. i know, i'm a total nerd and i'm okay with that. so i found out my favorite characters were going to die and was trying to explain to a friend how upset i was about it. they did not understand until i exclaimed that it felt like my best friends were about to be killed off!!! dramatic, i know. calm down, megs. but really, i wish i could be friends with fictional characters in real life. that would be the best!
i absolutely hate conflict and have had to learn how to handle it better over the past few years. i get really shaky and nauseous and would rather hide in a hole in the ground than deal with the present situation. super healthy...NOT.
i am a planner to the core. this isn't necessarily a negative characteristic. afterall, the world does need some of us to be planners. however, i have had to learn to go with the flow more often, be flexible, and be more spontaneous. it's good for my soul :)
as much as i love personality tests and how much they reveal about myself, i would like to say that i don't think anyone should be put in a box. you may have some character traits of other personality types and that's okay. i certainly do. that's one thing i love about poeple in general: we are all SO different and it's through our differences that we can help each other grow and learn.
// have you taken the test? what type are you?? //

Stopping by from "In Its TIme." :) I really like your by-line "ramblings of an adventurous heart" and it definitely pulled me to stay and look around awhile.
I really like your designs/downloads, and especially that they are born from your own life story and your own current emotion. :) Keep on, girlfriend, because this talent and passion you have is UNIQUE to you.
Looking forward to browsing around more. :) Cheers!
XO. J.
I just took it! I'm an ISFJ, introverted sensing, feeling, judging
That was really cool. Kinda cool, like reading a biography of me.
ENFJ for life!!! !
Dumbledores unite!
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